North of Ireland Imperial Yeomanry officers at Finner Camp, Bundoran, Co. Donegal, mid-1904
Front (viewer's left to right): 2nd Lieutenant F.W. Barton; Lieutenant T.F. Cooke; Lieutenant E.C. Herdman; Captain J.M. Magill.
Centre (l to r): Major E.A. Maude; Lieutenant-Colonel A.A.C. Earl of Shaftesbury; unknown, but possibly Major A.M. Rotheram, J.H.M. Cole or J.A.E. Hamilton.
Standing (l to r): Captain J.R. Smiley; Captain R.G.O. Bramston-Newman; 2nd Lieutenant A.E.S. Mulholland; 2nd Lieutenant R.W.H. O’Neill (?); Lieutenant Holt Waring; Major Robert David Perceval-Maxwell (?); 2nd Lieutenant C. Norman; Captain C.C. D’Arcy Irvine; Captain A.F. Maude; 2nd Lieutenant W.P.P. Archdale (?);
Lieutenant & Quartermaster W.J. Field (?); Hon Chaplain the Rev. W.A. Stack (?).
Image kindly provided by Bracken Anderson.