Poppy In memoriam Poppy

Sailly-Saillisel British Cemetery


Sailly Saillisel 1


Sailly-Saillisel British Cemetery, Somme, France. Sailly-Saillisel, standing at the north end of a ridge, was the objective of French attacks in September and October 1916, and was captured on 18 October. The village remained in Allied hands until March 1918, when it was lost during the German advance, but was recaptured on 1 September 1918. The cemetery was made after the Armistice when graves were brought in from isolated positions, chiefly south and east of the village and from a number of small burial grounds. The cemetery now contains 771 burials and commemorations of the First World War. Some 300 of the burials are unidentified.

One man of the North Irish Horse, Rifleman T. Hall, is buried here. The location of his grave is shown on the CWGC cemetery plan on this page.



Sailly Saillisel 3


Information and cemetery plan sourced from Commonwealth War Graves Commission www.cwgc.org. Image 1 kindly provided by Richard Evans - see his website Nelson, Glamorgan and the Great War http://www.nelson-ww1-memorial.org.uk. Image 2 Copyright © Phillip Tardif with all rights reserved as set out in this Use of Material policy.