A to D
To learn more about any of the men listed below, either click on their name (where there is a link), or find their name in the record of their Company under the 'Roll Call' link.
A |
Abbott, Vivian Hartley Church | 34518 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Acheson, George | 32520 | Corporal | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Acheson, James Robert | 11195 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Acheson, Samuel | 39236 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Acton, Thomas Arthur | 9566 | Lance Corporal | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
23309 | Quartermaster Sergeant | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
Adair, Ernest Harold | 9393 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Adair, John | 24921 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Adams, Edward | 33551 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Adams, Frederick Thomas Cooper | 9658 | Trumpeter | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Adams, James | 15092 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Adams, James William | 11202 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Adams, William Caldwell | 42209 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Adcock, St. John | 38545 | Corporal | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Adrain, Hugh | 35153 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Agnew, John | 23849 | Private | Not posted to a company and did not serve overseas | .. | Second Contingent |
Ahearne, M. | 87347 | Squadron Sergeant Major | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Ainslie, Charles Marshall | 9417 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Alderdice, Richard | 9558 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
10987 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent | |
Alexander, Charles S. | 42916 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Alexander, James | 33253 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Alexander, John | 11043 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Alexander, John Howard | 11216 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Alexander, Matthew | 38417 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Alexander, Thomas John | 35174 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Alfred, Samuel | 43735 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Allan, John Richard | 9467 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Allardyce, John | 40763 | Corporal | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Allen, Charles | 30607 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Allen, David | 30497 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Allen, Frederick Travers | 11283 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Allen, Henry | 40768 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Allen, Henry | 32527 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Allen, John | 10986 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Allen, John | 40643 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Allen, Joseph | 9373 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Allen, William | 43427 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Allen, William Keown | 44609 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Allingham, Robert John | 42923 | Lance Sergeant | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Amos, William | 35497 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Anderson, Alfred | 24929 | Private | Not posted to a company and did not serve overseas | .. | Second Contingent |
Anderson, Hamilton | 44805 | Shoeing Smith | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Anderson, John Beatty | 24103 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Anderson, John Craig | 42930 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Anderson, John Henry | 9445 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Anderson, John Matthews | 10982 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Anderson, Norman Macloid | 9449 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Anderson, Richard | 38611 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Andrews, Cecil Francis | 11074 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Applebe, John Thomas | 15093 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Archbold, Edward J. | 42920 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Archer, Albert George | 31991 | Sergeant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Archer, William | 31958 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Archibald, Robert | 42218 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Ardrey, Walter | 11131 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Argue, William | 23301 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Armstrong, Alexander | 40394 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Armstrong, Edward | 33621 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Armstrong, George Henry | 9394 | Lance Corporal | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Armstrong, George L. | 11239 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Armstrong, Hugh | 11237 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Armstrong, Robert | 39237 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
39237 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Armstrong, Thomas George BertramĀ | 11254 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Arnold, James | 30468 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Arnold, Joseph | 30505 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Atkinson, Henry Jackson | 11251 | Sergeant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Atkinson, William H. | 9691 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Atkinson, William Henry | 40387 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Auld, Hugh | 39238 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Austin, Ernest | 15094 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Austin, George | 15095 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Austin, Thomas Anderson | 11084 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Axon, Samuel | 42217 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
B |
Back, W. | 1586 | Farrier Sergeant | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Bagenal, Charles J. | 9703 | Lance Corporal | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Bailey, Alexander Taylor | 9568 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Bailey, Harry Combe | 38546 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Bailey, Richard Ebenezer Nunn | 43741 | Lance Corporal | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Bailie, William | 30967 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Baird, Charles Alfred | 38586 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Baird, John | 40642 | Corporal | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Balcombe, John | 43482 | Saddler | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
44325 | Saddler | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Balmer, Samuel | 38053 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Banks, Walter Charles | 14253 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Barr, Thomas | 40977 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Barr, Thomas | 35173 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Barr, Thomas C. | 24105 | Lance Corporal | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Barr, William | 39716 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Barrett, Alexander | 9562 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
38411 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Barrett, Christoppher S. | 38579 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Barrett, Robert | 38575 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Barriskill, James | 9514 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Barton, Patrick | 38539 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Bate, Reginald | 40993 | Sergeant | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Bate, William | 9506 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Bateman, William John | 29471 | Corporal | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Bates, Thomas | 15096 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Bateson, George | 33562 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Batt, Charles Robert | 32503 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Batten, Charles John | 25198 | Quartermaster Sergeant | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Baxter, George | 30608 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Baxter, Robert | 40607 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Baxter, William | 40637 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Bayliss, James William | 9601 | Regimental Sergeant Major | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
9601 | Squadron Sergeant Major | Staff Establishment | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Baynham, Walter James | 38547 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Beahan, William Charles | 39731 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Beattie, Thomas | 33595 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Beattie, William | 38420 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Beatty, Montgomery | 15097 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Beck, Archibald | 37819 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Beckett, Harry | 15098 | Quartermaster Sergeant | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Begley, Henry James | 32538 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Bell, Arthur Henry | 9692 | Sergeant | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Bell, Arthur T. | 38606 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Bell, Hugh McKee | 33221 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Bell, James | 11013 | Corporal | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
39718 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Bell, John | 11029 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Bell, John | 41082 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Bell, Joshua | 35182 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Bell, Richard | 34495 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Bell, Robert | 40640 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Bell, Robert Kirkwood | 40992 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Bell, Thomas | 40606 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Bell, William J. | 35144 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Bellingham,Alan Mure | 9414 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Bennett, David | 11137 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Bennett, John | 42208 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Benson, Thomas | 39752 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Bentley, Alexander | 40633 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Berrie, Stanley George | 14259 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Berry, Henry | 9588 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Berry, Wilfred Joseph Acheson | 9420 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Best Fred W. | (?) | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Beslfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Beytagh, L. M. | 38444 | Sergeant | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Bibby, Joseph | 43737 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Bingham, Henry | 11040 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Birckley, Frederick | 44496 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Black, James | 33596 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Black, Thompson | 38426 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Blackburne, James | 40614 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Blair, William | 30487 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Blair, William G | 33223 | Corporal | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Blake, Archibald Netterville | 9673 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Blake, Arthur James | 15099 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Blake, Richard Marlay | 37811 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Blake, Robert Attersoll | 11229 | Corporal | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Blake, St. John Robert Bowen | 9709 | Lance Corporal | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Blakely, John | 38433 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Blakely, Robert John | 30610 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Blaquiere,Charles W. L. de | 15100 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Blount, Claville Monkhouse | 9523 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Blue, Hugh | 40761 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Bluett, George | 40767 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Bluett, Richard Tenison | 11023 | Corporal | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Boagle, James | 43170 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Boagle, William | 42925 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Boal, William David | 25623 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Bodell, William Henry | 40766 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Boggs, John | 42197 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Bolster, Richard | 11226 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Bolton, John | 33204 | Squadron Sergeant-Major | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Bonynge, Charles Arthur | 33281 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Boobyer, Thomas George | 43743 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Booker, Henry Whitford | 9653 | Shoeing Smith | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Booth, Richard Laing | 32512 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Booth, Robert McNeilly | 33567 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Bothwell, Adam Armstrong | 9421 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
44570 | Sergeant-Major | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Bothwell, James Henry | 35487 | Lance Corporal | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Bothwell, John | 44396 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Bothwell, Thomas Henry | 9475 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
39244 | Lance Corporal | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Bowen, Eynon George Rice | 9650 | Lance Corporal | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Bowen, William | 39742 | Saddler Lance Corporal | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Boyce, John | 25418 | Lance Corporal | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Boyd, Alexander | 11116 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Boyd, Joseph | 10985 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Boyd, Robert | 40609 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Boyd, Stewart | 44137 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Boyd, William Fleming | 9469 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Boylan, Patrick | 38609 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Boyle, Daniel O'Connell | 38556 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Brackenreed, James | 40793 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Bradley, Alexander | 31981 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Bradley, Frederick | 9672 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Bradley, William | 41080 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Bradley, William John | 11073 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Bradshaw, William Frederick Whittle | 22147 | Sergeant | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Bradshaw, William | 44515 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Brady, James Joseph | 32500 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Brady, John | 39733 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Brady, John Banks | 9629 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Brady, Michael | 15102 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Brady, Richard Charles | 30569 | Lance Corporal | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Brasier-Creagh, John W. | 9603 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Breen, Denis | 38571 | Lance Sergeant | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Brennan, James | 9482 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
22148 | Sergeant | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
Brennan, Thomas H. | 33581 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Brereton, Edward | 33213 | Corporal | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Brereton, Thomas H. | 9639 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Breslin, Albert | 9700 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Briscoe, Arthur Ferdinand | 15103 | Corporal | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
40809 | Sergeant | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Broadhurst, John | 11302 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Brooks, Harry | 42945 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Brooks, Herbert | 25627 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Brown, Alexander | 9557 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Brown, David | 34519 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Brown, Frederick W. | 33401 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Brown, George | 11296 | Quartermaster Sergeant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Brown, Harry Percy | 31855 | Sergeant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Brown, James | 37828 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Brown, John | 11127 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Brown, John | 42210 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Brown, John | 25625 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Brown, John Frederick | 38552 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Brown, Joseph | 35140 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Brown, Joseph Moran | 33555 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Brown, Robert | 30483 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Brown, Thomas | 44843 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Brown, Vere Ward | 9667 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Brown, William | 33247 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Brown, William | 25180 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Brown, William G. | 34488 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Browne, Cairns Edward Philip | 40135 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Browne, Frederick | 42223 | Trumpeter | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Browne, Samuel Weldon | 11225 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Browne, Thomas Colin | 9625 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Browning, Edward | 44514 | Sergeant | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Brownlow, Nicholas | 42200 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Brownrigg, William John | 44395 | Lance Corporal | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Bruce, Joseph | 35146 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Brunker, Frederick William | 28098 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Bryan, John Henry | 15101 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Bryson, James | 9483 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Buchanan, Samuel | 33262 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Buckley, John | 38580 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Buckley, John B. | 38573 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Buckley, John Rankin | 42241 | Lance Corporal | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Bullock, John Joseph | 11002 | Colour Sergeant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Burgess, Robert | 11008 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Burke, Edward Francis Wyatt | 40805 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Burne, William Robert | 25194 | Lance Corporal | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Burney, Josias Auld | 9462 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Burney, Thomas | 40608 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Burns, Albert Joseph | 33257 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Burns, Joseph | 25420 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Burroughs, Roger Charles | 35194 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Burrows, David | 39700 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Busby, William | 44522 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Butler, Henry | 15104 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Butler, Michael | 42663 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Butler, William Mahoney | 15105 | Corporal | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Butter, John | 44089 | Lance Corporal | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Byrne, George | 40772 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Byrne, John Edward | 9678 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Byrne, John Joseph | 25205 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Byrne, Terence | 43736 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Byron, William Grant | 9397 | Sergeant-Major | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
C |
Cahill, Joseph | 32514 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Cairns, A. | 40380 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Cairns, Thomas | 11134 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
37840 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Cairns, Thomas | 30968 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Cairns, William | 24917 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Caldwell, Samuel | 30482 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Callaghan, John | 44142 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Callis, Charles | 25210 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Calliston, Robert | 41629 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Callow, Robert Albert | 32517 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Cambridge, Robert | 40595 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Campbell, Ford | 11103 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
11103 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
Campbell, Hugh | 41621 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Campbell, John | 39239 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Campbell, John | 41085 | Trumpeter | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Campbell, Joseph | 9402 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Campbell, Nathaniel | 22593 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Campbell, Robert Alexander | 24111 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Campbell, Samuel | 38415 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Campbell, Thomas | 11014 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
11014 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
Cannonberg, Fred | 31988 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Carberry, Frank | 42219 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Cardwell, Joseph | 24918 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Carey, Thomas H. | 9609 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Carlin, James | 42250 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Carlisle, Alexander | 38434 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Carlisle, Hugh | 11220 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Carlisle, James | 33267 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Carlisle, John | 30577 | Lance Corporal | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Carlisle, Robert | 30958 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Carmichael, James | 31973 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Carroll, Frederick Terence | 11049 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
37833 | Sergeant | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Carroll, James | 33566 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Carson, Herbert Wylie | 30493 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Carson, John | 37821 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Carson, John | 38435 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Carson, John | 34470 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Carson, Joseph | 41007 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Carson, William | 9378 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Carters, James | 38614 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Cassidy, Samuel | 40128 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Castles, William John | 11051 | Corporal | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
11051 | Corporal | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
Caswell, Thomas | 9540 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Caughey, John Patrick | 42227 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Chalmers, Robert Alexander | 39693 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Chamberlain, Richard | 32564 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Chambers, Adam | 34480 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Chambers, John | 11271 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Chambers, Joseph | 30590 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Chambers, Thomas | 23842 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
42921 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Chambers, Thomas C. | 30494 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Chandler, W. | 30584 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Chapman, George | 40990 | Trumpeter | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Chapple, A. E. | 1785 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Charleton, William H | 27478 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Cheetham, Percy | 34494 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Cheshire, Robert | 22584 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Christie, James | 42228 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Christie, James | 33565 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Christie, William | 30586 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Churchill, J. | 15106 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Clack, David | 14246 | Sergeant Cook/ Quartermaster Sergeant | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Clancy, Henry James | 9644 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Clarges, William | 11236 | Corporal | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Clark, Albert John | 9422 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Clarke, Henry Morrison | 10980 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Clarke, James | 30580 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Clarke, James Edward | 39253 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Clarke, James John | 9651 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Clarke, P. B. | 11235 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Clarke, Richard | 9585 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
44391 | Lance Corporal | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Clarke, Samuel John | 23840 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Clarke, Thomas John | 31964 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Clarke, William | 30972 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Clarke, William | 33615 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Clawson, Hugh | 34472 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Cleary, Edmond John | 11219 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Cleary, John | 32562 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Cleary, Richard Patrick | 39726 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Cleland, William James | 9474 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Clisdal, John | 38407 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Coates, Patrick | 32522 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Cochrane, Sydney Augustus | 11249 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Cochrane, William Thompson | 32515 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Coffey, Stephen | 25186 | Private | Not posted to a company and did not serve overseas | .. | Second Contingent |
Cole, John Henry | 44520 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Coleman, Thomas P. | 33236 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Colgan, John | 25628 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Colgan, William John | 25629 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Collier, Patrick | 38565 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Collier, Patrick Francis | 32548 | Private | Not posted to a company and did not serve overseas | .. | Second Contingent |
Collins, Charles Lucian | 28097 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Collins, William | 35176 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Colohan, Thomas | 44161 | Corporal | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Colquhoun, Sydney | 39688 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Colthurst, Charles James | 9693 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Comerford, Patrick | 44084 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Condon, William James | 43551 | Sqn Sgt Major | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Conn, Francis | 40378 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Connell, Patrick | 40130 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Connolly, Edward | 42229 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Connor, Charles | 33200 | Corporal | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Connor, William Joseph | 44351 | Sergeant | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Connor, William | 33238 | Lance Corporal | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Connor, William | 33613 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Conroy, John | 32537 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Conroy, Vincent | 25201 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Cook, James | 41011 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Cooke Bertram | 15108 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Cooke, C. | 1782 | Regimental Quarter-master Sergeant | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Cooke, Hector | 40765 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Cooke, Henry | 33580 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Cooke, James | 40372 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Cooke, Robert F. | 34490 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Cooke, Tresham Edward | 40760 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Cooke, Walter James | 41624 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Cooper, Arthur William | 40790 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Cooper, Bertie M. | 33270 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Cooper, Charles Mayne | 38419 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Cooper, Frederick T. | 43732 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Cooper, Hugh Dickson | 9426 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Cooper, W. H. | 9671 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Cooper, William | 9536 | Lance Corporal | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Copley, Robert | 15107 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Copperthwaite, Edward | 9631 | Regimental Sergeant Major | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Corbally, William | 9707 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Corken, Joseph Hill | 11006 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Corken, Joshua Moses | 33582 | Bugler | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Corley, Francis | 38567 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Cormack, William | 14256 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Corrigan, Charles S. | 15110 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Corrigan, Thomas A. | 15109 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Corry, Edward | 40792 | Corporal | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Coulter, Henry | 30475 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Coulter, John | 31989 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Coulter, Thomas | 40629 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Coulter, Thomas B. | 15111 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Courtenay, George | 9518 | Sergeant | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Cowan, Charles George | 9375 | Sergeant | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Cowan, William | 35134 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Cox, Samuel | 44517 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Cox, William | 40134 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Coyne, William Henry | 38558 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Craig, Samuel Lewis | 40806 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Craigie, George | 11238 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Crane, Richard | 11087 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Crangle, James | 33564 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Crawford, Arthur Henry | 37832 | Sergeant | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Crawford, Hedley Reginald Henry | 11232 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
44077 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Crawford, Henry Arthur | 15112 | Sergeant | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Crawford, Isaac | 31985 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Crawford, Thomas | 9387 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Crawford, W. | 33260 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Crawley, George | 34475 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Creagh, Sherlock Brazier | 43156 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Creaghe, Hubert Archer Wilding | 9623 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Creighton, Herbert McDonald | 30619 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Creighton, Richard Howe | 15113 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Creighton, William | 31961 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Crofts, Thomas Henry | 11234 | Company Sergeant-Major | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
39741 | Squadron Sergeant Major | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Croker, W. H. | 39757 | Corporal | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Crone, Thomas | 23857 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Cronin, Richard John | 15114 | Sergeant | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Cronogue, P. | 41617 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Crosbie, Hugh Talbot | 30956 | Corporal | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Cross, George | 11276 | Farrier-Sergeant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Crothers, James Alexander | 40628 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Crothers, T. E. | 40631 | Corporal | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Crothers, T. J. | 42230 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Crowe, John Colvin | 32523 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Crozier, R. | 41009 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Crozier, Thomas | 11114 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Crymble, Norman Gordon | 9452 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
9452 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent | |
Cullen, J. | 40769 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Cumming, James | 33227 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Cunnian, William | 33614 | Lance Corporal | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Cunningham, John | 32518 | Private | Not posted to a company and did not serve overseas | .. | Second Contingent |
Cuppage, A. H. | 41626 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Curran, Patrick | 40787 | Corporal | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Currie, James | 35137 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Currie, William | 11098 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Curry, James | 30587 | Lance Corporal | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Curtin, Bryan Patrick | 15116 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Curtis Charles | 30605 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Curtis, Roland | 30963 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Cusack, J. D. | 28093 | Lance Corporal | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Cusin, James | 40980 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
D |
Daley, Charles Edwin | 39761 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Dallas, Harold Young | 39751 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Dalrymple, William Jones | 11255 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Dalzell, Thomas | 11012 | Sergeant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Danbar, Rowland | 25193 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Darbey, John Morgan | 15117 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
39714 | Corporal | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Darley, Robert Bradshaw | 41074 | Lance Corporal | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Darling, Maurice | 38562 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Darlington, Alexander | 38554 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Darlington, John Ingram | 32519 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Darragh, George | 42226 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Darragh, Hugh | 26206 | Lance Corporal | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Darragh, James | 22599 | Sergeant | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Davidson, John | 11032 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
38436 | Sergeant | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Davidson, William | 9485 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Davies, George Andrew | 32556 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Davis, James | 15118 | Corporal | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Davis, William | 9489 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Davis, William | 39252 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Davison, William | 39706 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Davys, Edward James | 40775 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Davys, Richard Joseph | 11248 | Sergeant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Dawson, William George Henry | 25213 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Day, Francis Reginald | 42918 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Day, Joseph | 38581 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Daziel, Thomas | 11012 | Sergeant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
De Burg, Francis | 38446 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
de Montmorency, Herve | 43728 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
de Robeck, Charles | 9698 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Deale, Edmond | 25624 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Dean, Hugh | 34471 | Private | Not posted to a company and did not serve overseas | .. | Second Contingent |
Deane, Edward Stanley | 9652 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Deane, Robert | 41612 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Deane-Freeman, Edward | 32546 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Deans, James | 25183 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Deeley, Thomas | 43739 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Delargy, Patrick | 40982 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Dennison, William John | 35505 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Despard, Charles Beauclerk | 9364 | Corporal | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Devenish, John | 40395 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Devenish-Meares, Leycester Francis | 9389 | Sergeant | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Devine, Peter | 32507 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Diamond, William John | 15119 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Dick, John | 39712 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Dick, Matthew | 31960 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Dickenson, Evelyn Palmer | 43727 | Squadron Sergeant Major | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Dickson, David | 42212 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Dickson, Thomas | 11107 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Dickson, William | 43838 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Diffin, John | 10981 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
10981 | Sergeant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
44457 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Dillon, John | 11305 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Dillon, Thomas H. | 35149 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Dimond, Arthur | 40997 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Dimond, Patrick John Ryan | 32505 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Dinsmore, James | 42927 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Divan, William | 42936 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Dixon, Alexander | 38592 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Dixon, Robert | 38060 | Shoeing Smith | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Doak, Edwin | 9451 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Doak, Herbert | 9438 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Dobbin, G. | 9573 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
9573 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
Dobbins, Patrick J. | 40811 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Dobson, William | 11118 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
22151 | Sergeant | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
Dodds, William | 33574 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Doherty, James | 43168 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Doherty, John | 9539 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Doherty, Joseph | 42198 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Doherty, Richard | 42248 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Doloughan, John | 30957 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Donaldson, Thomas | 40596 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Donegan, Patrick | 40783 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Donegan, Thomas Tobin | 15120 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Donlon, J. T. P. | 40644 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Donnell, Marshall | 9386 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Donohue, Patrick | 33198 | Corporal | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Dooley, Edwin E. | 9633 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Dooley, John | 25197 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Dooley, Robert Wallace | 11186 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Doran, Charles Thomas | 9560 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Doran, William Talbot | 15121 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Douglas, James | 42244 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Douglas, John | 30478 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Douglas, John Crawford | 25417 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Douglas, Joseph | 33575 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Douglas, Thomas | 30471 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Douglas, Weldon | 39705 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Dowling, John | 38599 | Trumpeter | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Dowling, Thomas | 32565 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Dowling, William E. | 15115 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Downey, William Edward | 44837 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Downey, William George | 38601 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Doyle, Henry | 37827 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Doyle, John | 44831 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Doyle, Richard | 40776 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Doyle, Thomas | 40138 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Drake, Alfred Gordon | 15122 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Drinan, William David | 30466 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Drummond, Richard | 30973 | Corporal | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Drummond, William George | 9416 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
33563 | Sergeant | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
33563 | Sergeant | 74th (Dublin) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
Duern, John Dawson | 11010 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Duggan, Thomas Crone | 38406 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Duignan, Frank Patrick | 32540 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Duke, John | 30507 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Dunbar, Robert | 39691 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Dunbar, Rowland | 44085 | Sergeant | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Duncan, Alfred | 40991 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Duncan, James | 35511 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Duncan, Lewis | 39701 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Dundee, William John | 26204 | Sergeant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
40625 | Sergeant | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Dunlop, Andrew | 30492 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Dunlop, Archibald | 41092 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Dunlop, William James | 11082 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Dunn, John | 9570 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Dunne, Frederick J. | 33542 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Dunne, John | 40789 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Dunne, Michael | 11308 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
43485 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Dunne, William John | 42247 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Dunwoody, Alfred | 23852 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Dunwoody, Thomas R. | 11085 | Corporal | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Dwen, Richard William | 25209 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Dwen, Robert Henry | 32566 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Dwyer, Valentine J. | 39749 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |