A to D


To learn more about any of the men listed below, either click on their name (where there is a link), or find their name in the record of their Company under the 'Roll Call' link.


Abbott, Vivian Hartley Church 34518 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Acheson, George 32520 Corporal 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Acheson, James Robert 11195 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Acheson, Samuel 39236 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Acton, Thomas Arthur 9566 Lance Corporal 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
23309 Quartermaster Sergeant 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Adair, Ernest Harold 9393 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Adair, John 24921 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Adams, Edward 33551 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Adams, Frederick Thomas Cooper 9658 Trumpeter 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Adams, James 15092 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Adams, James William 11202 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Adams, William Caldwell 42209 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Adcock, St. John 38545 Corporal 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Adrain, Hugh 35153 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Agnew, John 23849 Private Not posted to a company and did not serve overseas .. Second Contingent
Ahearne, M. 87347 Squadron Sergeant Major 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Ainslie, Charles Marshall 9417 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Alderdice, Richard 9558 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
10987 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Alexander, Charles S. 42916 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Alexander, James 33253 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Alexander, John 11043 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Alexander, John Howard 11216 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Alexander, Matthew 38417 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Alexander, Thomas John 35174 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Alfred, Samuel 43735 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Allan, John Richard 9467 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Allardyce, John 40763 Corporal 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Allen, Charles 30607 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Allen, David 30497 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Allen, Frederick Travers 11283 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Allen, Henry 40768 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Allen, Henry 32527 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Allen, John 10986 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Allen, John 40643 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Allen, Joseph 9373 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Allen, William 43427 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Allen, William Keown 44609 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Allingham, Robert John 42923 Lance Sergeant 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Amos, William 35497 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Anderson, Alfred 24929 Private Not posted to a company and did not serve overseas .. Second Contingent
Anderson, Hamilton 44805 Shoeing Smith 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Anderson, John Beatty 24103 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Anderson, John Craig 42930 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Anderson, John Henry 9445 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Anderson, John Matthews 10982 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Anderson, Norman Macloid 9449 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Anderson, Richard 38611 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Andrews, Cecil Francis 11074 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Applebe, John Thomas 15093 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Archbold, Edward J. 42920 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Archer, Albert George 31991 Sergeant 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Archer, William 31958 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Archibald, Robert 42218 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Ardrey, Walter 11131 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company 17th Battalion First Contingent
Argue, William 23301 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Armstrong, Alexander 40394 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Armstrong, Edward 33621 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Armstrong, George Henry 9394 Lance Corporal 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Armstrong, George L. 11239 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Armstrong, Hugh 11237 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Armstrong, Robert 39237 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
39237 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Armstrong, Thomas George BertramĀ  11254 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Arnold, James 30468 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Arnold, Joseph 30505 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Atkinson, Henry Jackson 11251 Sergeant 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Atkinson, William H. 9691 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Atkinson, William Henry 40387 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Auld, Hugh 39238 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Austin, Ernest 15094 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Austin, George 15095 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Austin, Thomas Anderson 11084 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Axon, Samuel 42217 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Back, W. 1586 Farrier Sergeant 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Bagenal, Charles J. 9703 Lance Corporal 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Bailey, Alexander Taylor 9568 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Bailey, Harry Combe 38546 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Bailey, Richard Ebenezer Nunn 43741 Lance Corporal 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Bailie, William 30967 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Baird, Charles Alfred 38586 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Baird, John 40642 Corporal 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Balcombe, John 43482 Saddler 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
44325 Saddler 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Balmer, Samuel 38053 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Banks, Walter Charles 14253 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Barr, Thomas 40977 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Barr, Thomas 35173 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Barr, Thomas C. 24105 Lance Corporal 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Barr, William 39716 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Barrett, Alexander 9562 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
38411 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Barrett, Christoppher S. 38579 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Barrett, Robert 38575 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Barriskill, James 9514 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Barton, Patrick 38539 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Bate, Reginald 40993 Sergeant 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Bate, William 9506 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Bateman, William John 29471 Corporal 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Bates, Thomas 15096 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Bateson, George 33562 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Batt, Charles Robert 32503 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Batten, Charles John 25198 Quartermaster Sergeant 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Baxter, George 30608 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Baxter, Robert 40607 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Baxter, William 40637 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Bayliss, James William 9601 Regimental Sergeant Major 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
9601 Squadron Sergeant Major Staff Establishment 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Baynham, Walter James 38547 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Beahan, William Charles 39731 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Beattie, Thomas 33595 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Beattie, William 38420 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Beatty, Montgomery 15097 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Beck, Archibald 37819 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Beckett, Harry 15098 Quartermaster Sergeant 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Begley, Henry James 32538 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Bell, Arthur Henry 9692 Sergeant 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Bell, Arthur T. 38606 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Bell, Hugh McKee 33221 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Bell, James 11013 Corporal 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
39718 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Bell, John 11029 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Bell, John 41082 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Bell, Joshua 35182 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Bell, Richard 34495 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Bell, Robert 40640 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Bell, Robert Kirkwood 40992 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Bell, Thomas 40606 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Bell, William J. 35144 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Bellingham,Alan Mure 9414 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Bennett, David 11137 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company 17th Battalion First Contingent
Bennett, John 42208 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Benson, Thomas 39752 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Bentley, Alexander 40633 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Berrie, Stanley George 14259 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Berry, Henry 9588 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Berry, Wilfred Joseph Acheson 9420 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Best Fred W. (?) Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Beslfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Beytagh, L. M. 38444 Sergeant 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Bibby, Joseph 43737 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Bingham, Henry 11040 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Birckley, Frederick 44496 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Black, James 33596 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Black, Thompson 38426 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Blackburne, James 40614 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Blair, William 30487 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Blair, William G 33223 Corporal 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Blake, Archibald Netterville 9673 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Blake, Arthur James 15099 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Blake, Richard Marlay 37811 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Blake, Robert Attersoll 11229 Corporal 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Blake, St. John Robert Bowen 9709 Lance Corporal 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Blakely, John 38433 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Blakely, Robert John 30610 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Blaquiere,Charles W. L. de 15100 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Blount, Claville Monkhouse 9523 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Blue, Hugh 40761 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Bluett, George 40767 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Bluett, Richard Tenison 11023 Corporal 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Boagle, James 43170 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Boagle, William 42925 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Boal, William David 25623 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Bodell, William Henry 40766 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Boggs, John 42197 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Bolster, Richard 11226 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Bolton, John 33204 Squadron Sergeant-Major 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Bonynge, Charles Arthur 33281 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Boobyer, Thomas George 43743 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Booker, Henry Whitford 9653 Shoeing Smith 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Booth, Richard Laing 32512 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Booth, Robert McNeilly 33567 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Bothwell, Adam Armstrong 9421 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
44570 Sergeant-Major 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Bothwell, James Henry 35487 Lance Corporal 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Bothwell, John 44396 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Bothwell, Thomas Henry 9475 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
39244 Lance Corporal 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Bowen, Eynon George Rice 9650 Lance Corporal 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Bowen, William 39742 Saddler Lance Corporal 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Boyce, John 25418 Lance Corporal 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Boyd, Alexander 11116 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Boyd, Joseph 10985 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Boyd, Robert 40609 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Boyd, Stewart 44137 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Boyd, William Fleming 9469 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Boylan, Patrick 38609 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Boyle, Daniel O'Connell 38556 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Brackenreed, James 40793 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Bradley, Alexander 31981 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Bradley, Frederick 9672 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Bradley, William 41080 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Bradley, William John 11073 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Bradshaw, William Frederick Whittle 22147 Sergeant 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Bradshaw, William 44515 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Brady, James Joseph 32500 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Brady, John 39733 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Brady, John Banks 9629 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Brady, Michael 15102 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Brady, Richard Charles 30569 Lance Corporal 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Brasier-Creagh, John W. 9603 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Breen, Denis 38571 Lance Sergeant 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Brennan, James 9482 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
22148 Sergeant 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Brennan, Thomas H. 33581 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Brereton, Edward 33213 Corporal 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Brereton, Thomas H. 9639 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Breslin, Albert 9700 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Briscoe, Arthur Ferdinand 15103 Corporal 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
40809 Sergeant 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Broadhurst, John 11302 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Brooks, Harry 42945 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Brooks, Herbert 25627 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Brown, Alexander 9557 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Brown, David 34519 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Brown, Frederick W. 33401 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Brown, George 11296 Quartermaster Sergeant 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Brown, Harry Percy 31855 Sergeant 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Brown, James 37828 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Brown, John 11127 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Brown, John 42210 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Brown, John 25625 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Brown, John Frederick 38552 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Brown, Joseph 35140 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Brown, Joseph Moran 33555 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Brown, Robert 30483 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Brown, Thomas 44843 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Brown, Vere Ward 9667 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Brown, William 33247 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Brown, William 25180 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Brown, William G. 34488 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Browne, Cairns Edward Philip 40135 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Browne, Frederick 42223 Trumpeter 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Browne, Samuel Weldon 11225 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Browne, Thomas Colin 9625 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Browning, Edward 44514 Sergeant 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Brownlow, Nicholas 42200 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Brownrigg, William John 44395 Lance Corporal 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Bruce, Joseph 35146 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Brunker, Frederick William 28098 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Bryan, John Henry 15101 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Bryson, James 9483 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Buchanan, Samuel 33262 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Buckley, John 38580 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Buckley, John B. 38573 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Buckley, John Rankin 42241 Lance Corporal 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Bullock, John Joseph 11002 Colour Sergeant 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Burgess, Robert 11008 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Burke, Edward Francis Wyatt 40805 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Burne, William Robert 25194 Lance Corporal 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Burney, Josias Auld 9462 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Burney, Thomas 40608 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Burns, Albert Joseph 33257 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Burns, Joseph 25420 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Burroughs, Roger Charles 35194 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Burrows, David 39700 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Busby, William 44522 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Butler, Henry 15104 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Butler, Michael 42663 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Butler, William Mahoney 15105 Corporal 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Butter, John 44089 Lance Corporal 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Byrne, George 40772 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Byrne, John Edward 9678 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Byrne, John Joseph 25205 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Byrne, Terence 43736 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Byron, William Grant 9397 Sergeant-Major 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Cahill, Joseph 32514 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Cairns, A. 40380 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Cairns, Thomas 11134 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
37840 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Cairns, Thomas 30968 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Cairns, William 24917 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Caldwell, Samuel 30482 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Callaghan, John 44142 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Callis, Charles 25210 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Calliston, Robert 41629 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Callow, Robert Albert 32517 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Cambridge, Robert 40595 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Campbell, Ford 11103 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
11103 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Campbell, Hugh 41621 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Campbell, John 39239 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Campbell, John 41085 Trumpeter 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Campbell, Joseph 9402 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Campbell, Nathaniel 22593 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Campbell, Robert Alexander 24111 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Campbell, Samuel 38415 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Campbell, Thomas 11014 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
11014 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Cannonberg, Fred 31988 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Carberry, Frank 42219 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Cardwell, Joseph 24918 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Carey, Thomas H. 9609 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Carlin, James 42250 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Carlisle, Alexander 38434 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Carlisle, Hugh 11220 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Carlisle, James 33267 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Carlisle, John 30577 Lance Corporal 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Carlisle, Robert 30958 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Carmichael, James 31973 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Carroll, Frederick Terence 11049 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
37833 Sergeant 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Carroll, James 33566 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Carson, Herbert Wylie 30493 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Carson, John 37821 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Carson, John 38435 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Carson, John 34470 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Carson, Joseph 41007 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Carson, William 9378 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Carters, James 38614 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Cassidy, Samuel 40128 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Castles, William John 11051 Corporal 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
11051 Corporal 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Caswell, Thomas 9540 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Caughey, John Patrick 42227 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Chalmers, Robert Alexander 39693 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Chamberlain, Richard 32564 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Chambers, Adam 34480 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Chambers, John 11271 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Chambers, Joseph 30590 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Chambers, Thomas 23842 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
42921 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Chambers, Thomas C. 30494 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Chandler, W. 30584 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Chapman, George 40990 Trumpeter 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Chapple, A. E. 1785 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Charleton, William H 27478 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Cheetham, Percy 34494 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Cheshire, Robert 22584 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Christie, James 42228 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Christie, James 33565 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Christie, William 30586 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Churchill, J. 15106 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Clack, David 14246 Sergeant Cook/ Quartermaster Sergeant 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Clancy, Henry James 9644 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Clarges, William 11236 Corporal 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Clark, Albert John 9422 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Clarke, Henry Morrison 10980 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Clarke, James 30580 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Clarke, James Edward 39253 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Clarke, James John 9651 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Clarke, P. B. 11235 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Clarke, Richard 9585 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
44391 Lance Corporal 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Clarke, Samuel John 23840 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Clarke, Thomas John 31964 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Clarke, William 30972 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Clarke, William 33615 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Clawson, Hugh 34472 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Cleary, Edmond John 11219 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Cleary, John 32562 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Cleary, Richard Patrick 39726 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Cleland, William James 9474 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Clisdal, John 38407 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Coates, Patrick 32522 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Cochrane, Sydney Augustus 11249 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Cochrane, William Thompson 32515 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Coffey, Stephen 25186 Private Not posted to a company and did not serve overseas .. Second Contingent
Cole, John Henry 44520 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Coleman, Thomas P. 33236 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Colgan, John 25628 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Colgan, William John 25629 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Collier, Patrick 38565 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Collier, Patrick Francis 32548 Private Not posted to a company and did not serve overseas .. Second Contingent
Collins, Charles Lucian 28097 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Collins, William 35176 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Colohan, Thomas 44161 Corporal 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Colquhoun, Sydney 39688 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Colthurst, Charles James 9693 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Comerford, Patrick 44084 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Condon, William James 43551 Sqn Sgt Major 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Conn, Francis 40378 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Connell, Patrick 40130 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Connolly, Edward 42229 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Connor, Charles 33200 Corporal 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Connor, William Joseph 44351 Sergeant 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Connor, William 33238 Lance Corporal 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Connor, William 33613 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Conroy, John 32537 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Conroy, Vincent 25201 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Cook, James 41011 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Cooke Bertram 15108 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Cooke, C. 1782 Regimental Quarter-master Sergeant 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Cooke, Hector 40765 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Cooke, Henry 33580 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Cooke, James 40372 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Cooke, Robert F. 34490 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Cooke, Tresham Edward 40760 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Cooke, Walter James 41624 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Cooper, Arthur William 40790 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Cooper, Bertie M. 33270 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Cooper, Charles Mayne 38419 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Cooper, Frederick T. 43732 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Cooper, Hugh Dickson 9426 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Cooper, W. H. 9671 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Cooper, William 9536 Lance Corporal 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Copley, Robert 15107 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Copperthwaite, Edward 9631 Regimental Sergeant Major 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Corbally, William 9707 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Corken, Joseph Hill 11006 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Corken, Joshua Moses 33582 Bugler 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Corley, Francis 38567 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Cormack, William 14256 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Corrigan, Charles S. 15110 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Corrigan, Thomas A. 15109 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Corry, Edward 40792 Corporal 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Coulter, Henry 30475 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Coulter, John 31989 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Coulter, Thomas 40629 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Coulter, Thomas B. 15111 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Courtenay, George 9518 Sergeant 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Cowan, Charles George 9375 Sergeant 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Cowan, William 35134 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Cox, Samuel 44517 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Cox, William 40134 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Coyne, William Henry 38558 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Craig, Samuel Lewis 40806 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Craigie, George 11238 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Crane, Richard 11087 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Crangle, James 33564 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Crawford, Arthur Henry 37832 Sergeant 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Crawford, Hedley Reginald Henry 11232 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
44077 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Crawford, Henry Arthur 15112 Sergeant 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Crawford, Isaac 31985 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Crawford, Thomas 9387 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Crawford, W. 33260 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Crawley, George 34475 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Creagh, Sherlock Brazier 43156 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Creaghe, Hubert Archer Wilding 9623 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Creighton, Herbert McDonald 30619 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Creighton, Richard Howe 15113 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Creighton, William 31961 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Crofts, Thomas Henry 11234 Company Sergeant-Major 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
39741 Squadron Sergeant Major 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Croker, W. H. 39757 Corporal 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Crone, Thomas 23857 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Cronin, Richard John 15114 Sergeant 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Cronogue, P. 41617 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Crosbie, Hugh Talbot 30956 Corporal 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Cross, George 11276 Farrier-Sergeant 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Crothers, James Alexander 40628 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Crothers, T. E. 40631 Corporal 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Crothers, T. J. 42230 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Crowe, John Colvin 32523 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Crozier, R. 41009 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Crozier, Thomas 11114 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Crymble, Norman Gordon 9452 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
9452 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Cullen, J. 40769 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Cumming, James 33227 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Cunnian, William 33614 Lance Corporal 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Cunningham, John 32518 Private Not posted to a company and did not serve overseas .. Second Contingent
Cuppage, A. H. 41626 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Curran, Patrick 40787 Corporal 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Currie, James 35137 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Currie, William 11098 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Curry, James 30587 Lance Corporal 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Curtin, Bryan Patrick 15116 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Curtis Charles 30605 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Curtis, Roland 30963 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Cusack, J. D. 28093 Lance Corporal 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Cusin, James 40980 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Daley, Charles Edwin 39761 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Dallas, Harold Young 39751 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Dalrymple, William Jones 11255 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Dalzell, Thomas 11012 Sergeant 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Danbar, Rowland 25193 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Darbey, John Morgan 15117 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
39714 Corporal 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Darley, Robert Bradshaw 41074 Lance Corporal 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Darling, Maurice 38562 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Darlington, Alexander 38554 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Darlington, John Ingram 32519 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Darragh, George 42226 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Darragh, Hugh 26206 Lance Corporal 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Darragh, James 22599 Sergeant 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Davidson, John 11032 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
38436 Sergeant 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Davidson, William 9485 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Davies, George Andrew 32556 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Davis, James 15118 Corporal 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Davis, William 9489 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Davis, William 39252 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Davison, William 39706 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Davys, Edward James 40775 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Davys, Richard Joseph 11248 Sergeant 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Dawson, William George Henry 25213 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Day, Francis Reginald 42918 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Day, Joseph 38581 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Daziel, Thomas 11012 Sergeant 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
De Burg, Francis 38446 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
de Montmorency, Herve 43728 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
de Robeck, Charles 9698 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Deale, Edmond 25624 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Dean, Hugh 34471 Private Not posted to a company and did not serve overseas .. Second Contingent
Deane, Edward Stanley 9652 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Deane, Robert 41612 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Deane-Freeman, Edward 32546 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Deans, James 25183 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Deeley, Thomas 43739 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Delargy, Patrick 40982 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Dennison, William John 35505 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Despard, Charles Beauclerk 9364 Corporal 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Devenish, John 40395 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Devenish-Meares, Leycester Francis 9389 Sergeant 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Devine, Peter 32507 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Diamond, William John 15119 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Dick, John 39712 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Dick, Matthew 31960 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Dickenson, Evelyn Palmer 43727 Squadron Sergeant Major 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Dickson, David 42212 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Dickson, Thomas 11107 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Dickson, William 43838 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Diffin, John 10981 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
10981 Sergeant 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
44457 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Dillon, John 11305 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Dillon, Thomas H. 35149 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Dimond, Arthur 40997 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Dimond, Patrick John Ryan 32505 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Dinsmore, James 42927 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Divan, William 42936 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Dixon, Alexander 38592 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Dixon, Robert 38060 Shoeing Smith 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Doak, Edwin 9451 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Doak, Herbert 9438 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Dobbin, G. 9573 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
9573 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Dobbins, Patrick J. 40811 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Dobson, William 11118 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
22151 Sergeant 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Dodds, William 33574 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Doherty, James 43168 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Doherty, John 9539 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Doherty, Joseph 42198 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Doherty, Richard 42248 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Doloughan, John 30957 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Donaldson, Thomas 40596 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Donegan, Patrick 40783 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Donegan, Thomas Tobin 15120 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Donlon, J. T. P. 40644 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Donnell, Marshall 9386 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Donohue, Patrick 33198 Corporal 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Dooley, Edwin E. 9633 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Dooley, John 25197 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Dooley, Robert Wallace 11186 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Doran, Charles Thomas 9560 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Doran, William Talbot 15121 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Douglas, James 42244 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Douglas, John 30478 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Douglas, John Crawford 25417 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Douglas, Joseph 33575 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Douglas, Thomas 30471 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Douglas, Weldon 39705 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Dowling, John 38599 Trumpeter 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Dowling, Thomas 32565 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Dowling, William E. 15115 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Downey, William Edward 44837 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Downey, William George 38601 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Doyle, Henry 37827 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Doyle, John 44831 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Doyle, Richard 40776 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Doyle, Thomas 40138 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Drake, Alfred Gordon 15122 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Drinan, William David 30466 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Drummond, Richard 30973 Corporal 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Drummond, William George 9416 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
33563 Sergeant 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
33563 Sergeant 74th (Dublin) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Duern, John Dawson 11010 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Duggan, Thomas Crone 38406 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Duignan, Frank Patrick 32540 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Duke, John 30507 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Dunbar, Robert 39691 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Dunbar, Rowland 44085 Sergeant 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Duncan, Alfred 40991 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Duncan, James 35511 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Duncan, Lewis 39701 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Dundee, William John 26204 Sergeant 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
40625 Sergeant 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Dunlop, Andrew 30492 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Dunlop, Archibald 41092 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Dunlop, William James 11082 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Dunn, John 9570 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Dunne, Frederick J. 33542 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Dunne, John 40789 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Dunne, Michael 11308 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
43485 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Dunne, William John 42247 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Dunwoody, Alfred 23852 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Dunwoody, Thomas R. 11085 Corporal 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Dwen, Richard William 25209 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Dwen, Robert Henry 32566 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Dwyer, Valentine J. 39749 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent