Private John Edward Byrne


Number: 9678

Company: 45th (Dublin) Company, 13th Battalion


Date: 8 January 1900

Place: Newbridge

Age: 23 years 3 months

Trade or calling: Gentleman

Place of birth: Parish Monkstown, Town Monkstown, County Dublin

Family: Single. Father Gerald Byrne, solicitor, of Dublin and 96 Mount Haigh, Kingstown.

Previous military service: No

Description: Height 5' 5". Complexion fair, eyes brown, hair fair.

Religion: Other Protestant


Date to South Africa: 14 March 1900

Campaigns: South Africa 1899-1901

Service medal, clasps and other awards: South Africa 1899-1901


Date: 28 May 1900

Place: Lindley

Cause: Killed in action

Commemorated: Byrne is buried in the Lindley Cemetery (images below). He is commemorated on the Lindley Cemetery Memorial; on the Yeomanry Kop Memorial, Lindley; and on the 45th (Dublin) Company Memorial in St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin.




The circumstances of Byrne's death at the Battle of Lindley were described in a letter home from Private Manifold which was published in the Warder of 7 July 1900:

The way Jack was killed was in a bayonet charge under Lord Longford, taking a position which we had lost during the preceding day. He was shot right through the stomach, and death must have been instantaneous.


Dublin Evening Mail, 16 June 1900


This page last updated 7 July 2024.