Private John Kelly
Number: 42917
Company: 175th (Irish Horse) Company, 29th Battalion
Date: 18 January 1902
Place: Dublin
Age: 32 years
Trade of calling: Bank clerk
Place of birth: In the Parish of Maylough, in or near the Town of __, in the County of Galway
Family: Single. Mother Mary Kelly, Mountballow Bridge, County Galway
Previous military service: No
Description: Height 5' 9 1/2". Complexion fresh, eyes hazel, hair black.
Religion: Roman Catholic
Date to South Africa: 28 May 1902
Service medal, clasps and other awards: No
Date: 5 January 1903
Place: At sea on board H.S. Nubia having been invalided home.
Cause: Dysentery
Buried/ commemorated: At sea.
Medical Board, No.1 General Hospital, Wynberg, 18 November 1902:
Patient states that he was first taken ill 10th October 1902, and was sent to hospital. The cause is in all probability due to infected water supply. At present the patient does not suffer much from dysentery, but is troubled considerably with dyspepsia, and symptoms of congestion of the liver. Very little flesh meat can be taken. ... Proposed for change to England.
Kelly embarked for England from Cape Town on the Hospital Transport Nubia on 22 December. However while at sea he suffered a severe relapse. He died on 5 January 1903.
This page last updated 14 August 2024.