Private Sutherland Pike
Number: 28769
Company: 74th (Dublin) Company (New), 8th Battalion
Date: 20 February 1901
Place: Curragh
Age: 20 years 5 months
Trade of calling: Ship chandler. Served five year apprenticeship with Alexander Braithwaite, Limerick.
Place of birth: In the Parish of Limerick, in or near the Town of Limerick, in the County of Limerick.
Family: Single. Father James David Pike, accountant (formerly Battery Sergeant-Major, Limerick City Artillery), mother Jane Pike (nee Mackay) Walnut House, Limerick.
Previous military service: No
Description: Height 5' 7 1/2". Complexion fresh, eyes brown, hair brown. Scar on back of right forearm; tattoo cross on back of left wrist.
Religion: Church of England
Date to South Africa: 22 March 1901
Service medal, clasps and other awards: Queen's South Africa Medal. Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, 1901 clasps.
Date: 27 August 1901
Place: Griquatown
Cause: Wounds received at Rooikopjes on 24 August.
Buried/ commemorated: Griquatown, later re-interred in West End Cemetery, Kimberley/ West End Cemetery Memorial, and St Andrew's Church Memorial, Dublin.
Northern Whig, 30 August 1901
Cork Examiner, 30 August 1901
This page last updated 28 August 2024.