E to K
To learn more about any of the men listed below, either click on their name (where there is a link), or find their name in the record of their Company under the 'Roll Call' link.
E |
Eagar, Frederick | 9513 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Eager, Robert John | 11261 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
41616 | Corporal | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Earls, Harry James | 11227 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Eaton, George Parkhill | 11072 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Eckford, Arthur Edward Thomas | 32509 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Edens, James | 9392 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Edgar, Samuel Wesley | 9433 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Edgar, Thomas John | 9456 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
37825 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Edwards, E. | 2196 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Edwards, Stewart | 39699 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Egar, James | 25184 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Ellard, George | 39729 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Elliott, Frank | 30572 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Elliott, Harry | 32558 | Lance Corporal | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Elliott, John | 39711 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Elliott, Melville | 39756 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Elliott, William Henry | 38437 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Ellis, Bernard John | 11285 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Ellis, Francis George | 11301 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
15124 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent | |
Ellis, Harold | 33278 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Ellis, James Rhodes | 28770 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Ellis, W. L. | 33557 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Ellwood, Robert | 11003 | Bugler | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Elmes, Richard Henry | 42948 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
English, Robert Douglas | 9361 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
English, Thomas | 9381 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Ennis, John Joseph | 11268 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Erskine, E. | 11065 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Erskine, Samuel | 11141 | Corporal | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Erskine, Thomas | 11079 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
44371 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Ervin, Kennedy | 38422 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Esler, John | 35177 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Espie, William Stuart R. | 40391 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Ewart, Samuel | 30570 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
F |
Fallis, James | 30506 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Fannon, T. R. H. A. | 1340 | Squadron Quater-master Sergeant | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Farlow, James A | 33282 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Farnon, Hugh | 25616 | Lance Corporal | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Farrell, Edward Valentine | 25199 | Lance Corporal | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Farrell, Patrick | 42657 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Farrell, William John | 30470 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Farrelly, Henry | 40995 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Faulkner, Thomas | 44840 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Fee, Edward | 40804 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Feeney, Hugh Morrison | 9411 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Fenn, Walter | 42222 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Fenner, Harry Hamilton | 9670 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Fenner, Norman Frederick | 9668 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Fenning, John Edward | 15125 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Fenton, Harry Walter | 11275 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Fenton, James Wallace | 43995 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Fenton, James William | 44140 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Ferguson, J. | 42231 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Ferguson. David Eustace | 25174 | Quartermaster Sergeant | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Fetherstonhaugh, Cuthbert | 15126 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Fielding/ McDonald, James | 9466 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
35166 | Corporal | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
Finegan, John | 40770 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Finegan, Thomas Francis | 35181 | Corporal | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Finlay, David | 41625 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Finlay, James | 38438 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Finlay, Robert | 42202 | Trumpeter | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Finn, John Joseph | 38064 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Finn, Timothy | 40807 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Finnegan Dennis | 9496 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
11132 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent | |
Fisher, Thomas | 23853 | Squadron Sergeant Major | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Fisher, Thomas | 33243 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Fisher, William John | 11054 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Fitzgerald, Cecil Henry | 44324 | Corporal | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Fitzgerald, John Francis | 33209 | Sergeant | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Fitzgibbon, Maurice | 9608 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
38610 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Flannery, Thomas Augustus | 44553 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Fleming, John | 42939 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Fleming, Joseph | 40803 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Fleming, Malcolm | 30613 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Fleming, Robert John | 30496 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Fleming, William | 33263 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Fleming, William Clarke | 9526 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Fletcher, Frank Harry | 11011 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Fletcher, Henry | 33559 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Flint, Frederick Arthur | 11218 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Floyd, Robert | 11060 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Flude, Crosbie Edward | 11288 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Fogarty, John | 41076 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Foot, Arthur Patrick | 41094 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Foot, Henry Arthur | 43164 | Lance Corporal | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Foot, Lionel S. | 11192 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Forbes, R.F. | 9646 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Ford, Hugh R. L. | 9596 | Corporal | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Forrest, James C. | 9677 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Forsythe, Thomas | 11026 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Fosbery, Frank | 39736 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Foster, George Moore | 9429 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Foulkes, William | 32529 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Founds, Charles | 35193 | Sergeant | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Foy, George Henry | 9519 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Foy, Humphrey | 11096 | Sergeant | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Foye, Thomas | 40381 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Foye, Thomas S. | 33248 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Franklin, Denham Charles | 11262 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Franklin, John | 11205 | Bugler | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Frazer, Alexander | 34473 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Frazer, Alexander | 33398 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Freemantle, William Locket | 44337 | Sergeant | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Freer, Vernon C. | 15127 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
French, Charles J. | 9664 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
French, John Cyril | 43430 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Friel, James | 41622 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Froedman, Charles | 15128 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Fulton, David Munroe | 25187 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Fulton, George Meares | 32551 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
G |
Galbraith, John | 40129 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Galbraith, John | 35168 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Gallagher, J. | 43172 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Gallagher, Thomas | 38405 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Gallon, George | 35488 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Galloway, Robert | 39687 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Galway, John | 33572 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Galway, Richard | 11130 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Gamble, John | 24923 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Gamble, John | 25411 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Gamble, William | 25620 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Gardiner, Robert R. | 15129 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Gardiner, Robert Wright | 32545 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Gargan, Thomas Frederick, | 9610 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Garraway, Roger Sutton | 9620 | Farrier Sergeant | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Garvey, Francis Wilcocks | 11241 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Garvey, John | 32875 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Gaston, Alexander | 35486 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Gathercole, William | 44336 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Gaule, Joseph C. | 39732 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Gavaican, Francis | 15130 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
25408 | Private | Not posted to a company and did not serve overseas | .. | Second Contingent | |
Gaw, William | 15131 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Gaynor, Joseph A. | 9689 | Squadron Sergeant Major | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Gealy, William | 40999 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
George, John Bertram | 39255 | Farrier Sergeant | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
George, Robert | 39240 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
George, Robert | 44552 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Geraty, Donald Stuart | 11057 | Corporal | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Geraty, Michael | 41627 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
German, Elis | 9450 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Gibbs, H. | 44398 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Gibbs, John Tate | 11183 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Gibbs, Oscar | 15132 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Gibney, Joseph F. | 15133 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Gibson, Edward | 40370 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Gibson, Hugh | 11125 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
38412 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Gibson, Hon. Victor | 9699 | Corporal | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Gibson, John | 30591 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Gibson, Joseph | 30592 | Corporal | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Gibson, Robert | 40376 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Gibson, Thomas | 9551 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Gibson, William John | 30979 | Sergeant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Gilbert, Robert | 44393 | Shoeing Smith | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Gilfoyle, Joseph P. | 11310 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Gillespie, Charles Edgar | 30486 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Gillespie, Christy | 9490 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Gillespie, William | 34493 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Gillespie. John R. | 15134 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Gilmer, Victor | 31968 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Gilmore, Gibson Frederick | 9627 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
38544 | Sergeant | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Gilmore, James | 31969 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Gilmore, Robert C. | 25419 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Gilmore, William | 10984 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Gilmore, William | 30975 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Gilmour, John | 33382 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Gilmour, William | 33385 | Corporal | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Gilpin, Joseph | 22590 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Ginn, Edward | 30484 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Ginniff, John | 41014 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Ginniff, Joseph | 9508 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Glasten, Thomas | 44952 | Shoeing Smith | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Gleeson, John | 41613 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Glencross, John | 9390 | Sergeant | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Glenny, Samuel Maxwell | 9395 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Glenton, Lawrence Robert | 9463 | Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Going, Thomas Hardings | 11260 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Gooch, Edward | 41611 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Good, Henry John | 39702 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Good, Henry L. | 15135 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Good, Thomas | 42950 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Good, Victor Lancelot | 37820 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Goode, John | 15136 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Goodwin, William | 9479 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Goodwyn, L. | 38574 | Sergeant | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Gordon, Albert Edward | 9576 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
40373 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Gordon, Charles Duncan | 39707 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Gordon, Henry | 11099 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Gordon, James | 38605 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Gordon, John | 40998 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Gordon, John | 31986 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Gordon, Mitchell Woods | 24110 | Squadron QMS | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Gordon, Robert | 30499 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Gordon, William | 34523 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Gore, George | 11291 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Gorman, James | 41615 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Gosling, V. | 1226 | Orderly Room Sergeant | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Gracey, Alexander | 35489 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Gracey, Henry | 11037 | Farrier | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Gracey, John George | 9567 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Gracey, Robert | 41006 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Graham, A. | 30508 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Graham, Arthur | 9446 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
9598 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent | |
Graham, David | 39704 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Graham, Francis J. | 22594 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Graham, G | 32524 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Graham, John | 25618 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Graham, John | 33547 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Graham, John Alexander | 9382 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Graham, Joseph | 40620 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Graham, S. | 33577 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Graham, Samuel | 30473 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Graham, Thomas | 44607 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Graham, William Francis | 23300 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Grant, Hugh | 33276 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Grant, Richard | 33622 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Grant, William | 22586 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Graves, Henry | 42913 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Graves, Herbert Percival | 38418 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Gray, Alexander | 9492 | Sergeant | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Gray, Arthur | 9661 | Corporal | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Gray, Robert | 35510 | Corporal | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Gray, William Francis | 32525 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Gray, William Gunn | 32499 | Corporal | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Green, James | 33220 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Greenaway, Frank Joseph | 33212 | Corporal | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Greene, Carl John | 32544 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Greene, James | 38052 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Greene, Thomas Westland | 9626 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Greene, William John | 39744 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Greenlees, James | 38439 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Greenlees, Thomas | 34491 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Greer, Charles | 9538 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Greer, Charles | 22150 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Greer, George | 30960 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Gregory, Edward | 30597 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Grene, James | 44535 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Griffen, T. S. | 25202 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Griffin, Charles Morgan | 11217 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Griffin, Edward Timothy | 39256 | Squadron Quarter-master Sergeant | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Griffin, John | 41608 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Griffiths, Handsel | 33620 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Griffiths, John | 33237 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Grogan, John | 11044 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Grosart, H. M. | 11313 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Groves, James | 33380 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
H |
Hackett, Edward Piggott | 11196 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
44334 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Hackett, George Brooke | 11259 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hackett, J. W. | 11299 | Lance Sergeant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hackett, Thomas Henry Valentine | 9634 | Shoeing Smith | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
43487 | Corporal | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Haddick, Thomas | 40610 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Haddon, William Burton | 25208 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Haigh, James | 33216 | Lance Corporal | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Haithwaite, Charles James George M. | 11046 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
11046 | Lance Sergeant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
38612 | Corporal | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Hall, Austin | 9459 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hall, David | 11280 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hall, Herbert Francis | 33611 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hall, James | 33390 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hall, Joseph | 35135 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hall, Richard | 44087 | Sergeant | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hall, Thomas | 42937 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Halladay, Robert | 11110 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hamill, Hugh | 9534 | Sergeant | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
37830 | Lance Sergeant | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Hamill, Robert | 42205 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hamilton, __ | 9365 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hamilton, Bryson | 33255 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hamilton, James | 9480 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hamilton, James | 30498 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hamilton, Robert | 25422 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hamilton, Samuel | 39719 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hammond, Adolphus | 25214 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hanley, William | 33208 | Corporal | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hanna, James | 44424 | Shoeing Smith | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hardinge, Henry Edward | 11240 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hardy, John | 33543 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hardy, Thomas | 23850 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hare, Robert | 24107 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Harland, William | 9522 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Harman, Partick | 15139 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Harper, John | 39696 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Harper, William | 42232 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Harper, William | 9362 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Harris, John James | 11001 | Sergeant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Harrison, George | 44372 | Shoeing Smith | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Harrison, Hugh | 30575 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Harrison, James R. | 11292 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Harrison, John Clydesdale | 33224 | Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Harrison, Robert L. | 11224 | Lance Corporal | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Harrison, Stuart | 34487 | Corporal | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Harrison, William John | 9398 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Harrold, Charles | 9428 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Harte, Michael J. | 15140 | Sergeant | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hartley, James Edward | 15141 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Harty, Roger | 9690 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Harvey, Edward | 40646 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Harvey, Herbert Gifford | 9369 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Harvey, James Henry | 33202 | Corporal | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Harvey, John Wilfred | 38595 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Harvey, R. | 11290 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hassard, Arthur | 15142 | Corporal | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Haste, William | 15147 | Sergeant Major | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hastings, Albert | 32550 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hayes, Charles Bianconi | 9602 | Squadron Sergeant Major | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hayes, Michael John | 44569 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hayes, Robert Harnett | 40388 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hayes, Ronald Duncan | 11061 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hayes, Samuel | 39245 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Head, Michael George | 11263 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Healey, Frederick | 14247 | Lance Sergeant O.R. Clerk | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hearst, John | 11036 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Heazley, James Laughlin | 9578 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Heddon, W. | 74389 | Squadron Sergeant Major | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hedley, William | 42224 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Heffernan, Edward | 38597 | Trumpeter | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Henchy, William | 39737 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Henderson, John | 11027 | Farrier | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
43483 | Farrier-Sergeant | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Henderson, John Edward | 9592 | Farrier-Sergeant | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hendy, John | 15143 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hennessy, Mathew | 44088 | Sergeant | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Henry, Arnold Llewellyn | 9589 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Henry, Frederick Charles E. | 15144 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Henry, J. | 40974 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Henry, Robert Edward | 9423 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Henry, Thomas | 9546 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hensman, Humphrey | 44568 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hepenstall, Norman Harold | 39755 | Farrier Sergeant | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Herbert, Arthur | 30599 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Herridge, Walter | 9665 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Herron, James | 9366 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Herron, John | 11133 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Heslip, Isaac | 9401 | Lance Sergeant | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hession, Edward J. | 11307 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hetherton, W. E. | 31965 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hewitt, Thomas | 32543 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hewitt, William | 34479 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hewson, G. F. | 44554 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hewson, Henry Hilliard | 9696 | Shoeing Smith | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hickie, Manuel D. | 9704 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Higgins, Alfred Noble | 40645 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Higgins, John | 35180 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hill, Daniel C. | 34492 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hill, James Houston | 44832 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hill, John | 9444 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hill, Robert | 33571 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hill, Trevor | 9515 | Lance Corporal | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hilliard, Arthur Herbert | 9606 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hillis, Joseph | 33569 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hillock, Samuel | 23844 | Sergeant | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hilton, John | 40785 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hinton, Thomas | 25415 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hobbs, Joseph | 25181 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hobson, Joseph Augustus | 15145 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hodge, Henry Boyd | 15146 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hodson, Edward St George | 11256 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
43486 | Corporal | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Hoey, John | 38582 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hoey, Walter Graham | 38572 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hogan, Edmond | 38063 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Holland, James Ansley | 26207 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Holland, Samuel | 33558 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Holland, Thomas | 41081 | Saddler | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hollins, George | 40972 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Holmes, William | 9715 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Holt, Garnett | 40987 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Holt, William | 9564 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Homan, Laurence Hyde | 32555 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Home, William | 11214 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hope, Abraham | 44333 | Shoeing Smith | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hopgood, George Thomas | 9388 | Farrier Sergeant | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hopkins, Herbert Horace | 11209 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Horne, John | 15148 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hornibrook, Harry | 11278 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hosford, John Richard T. | 9632 | Sergeant | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hosford, Stewart Francis | 43426 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hough, Alfred Wright | 33560 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Houston, Aubrey | 15149 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Houston, Douglas | 30574 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Houston, Francis | 37836 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Houston, Herbert | 33381 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Houston, James | 11015 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Houston, Robert | 42215 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Houston, Thomas | 33592 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Houston, William | 9549 | Corporal | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Houston, William | 40379 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Howard, Henry | 11005 | Sergeant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hoy, Thomas | 40603 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hudson-Kinnahan, Daniel | 9683 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hughes, George | 9493 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hughes, Robert | 42922 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hughes, Samuel | 10994 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hughes, Thomas | 11066 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
11066 | Corporal | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
Hughes, William | 14260 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hunter, Alexander | 25621 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hunter, Alfred | 38588 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hunter, Edward | 9595 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hunter, Gerald Evelyn | 15151 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hunter, Hugh | 38440 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hunter, John | 9442 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hunter, John | 42938 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hunter, Johnston | 23302 | Squadron Sergeant Major | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hunter, Robert Edwin | 23303 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hunter, Samuel | 41620 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hunter, Stephen John | 11215 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hunter, William Greene | 15150 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hunter, William | 9407 | Corporal | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hunter, William | 41091 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hunter, William Matthew Parker | 11081 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Husband, James Robert | 22589 | Corporal | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Huston, William | 10996 | Corporal | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
35130 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
Hutchings, Frederick William | 40788 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hutchinson, George | 9669 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hutchinson, John | 42233 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hutchinson, William | 35509 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hutton, Charles | 15152 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hyde, William | 25182 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hynes, Thomas | 35483 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hynes, William John | 15153 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hyor, Edward Joseph | 39724 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
I |
Ildridge, Henry | 44373 | Shoeing Smith | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Inglis, Cecil Henry | 25173 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Ingram, J. | 40131 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Ireland, Thomas | 11048 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Irvine, Albert | 39747 | Lance Corporal | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Irvine, Arthur Lancelot C. | 9680 | Corporal | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Irvine, Samuel | 41021 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Irvine, William Daniel | 9437 | Corporal | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Irwin, David | 9494 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Irwin, John Alexander | 31970 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Irwin, Robert | 35154 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Irwin, Robert | 33251 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Irwin, Thomas | 44139 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Irwin, William | 31975 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
J |
Jack, Robert Pointz | 10991 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Jackson, George | 30609 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Jackson, James | 35141 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Jackson, John | 33268 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Jackson, William John Davidson | 9391 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Jacques, Thomas John | 25206 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
James, C. Walter S. | 11293 | Farrier Quartermaster Sergeant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
James, Michael Brownell | 32539 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
James, Robert Henry | 9582 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Jameson, A. W. | 11297 | Sergeant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Jameson, Henry Robert | 9702 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Jamieson, Robert | 40978 | Sergeant | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Jamison, Henry | 33388 | Sergeant | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Jeffares, Walter Danby | 25188 | Corporal | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Jeffers, Samuel | 33568 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Jeffery, Charles William | 41087 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Jeffrey, Arthur | 11059 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Jenkins, Francis | 39717 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Jervise, Edwin | 15154 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Johnston, Albert | 40630 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Johnston, Alfred Ashley | 9376 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Johnston, Andrew | 9561 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
38055 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Johnston, Benjamin | 9554 | Lance Corporal | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Johnston, George | 40973 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Johnston, Henry | 33392 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Johnston, James | 40781 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Johnston, James | 40989 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Johnston, John | 38553 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Johnston, John | 42203 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Johnston, John | 44138 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Johnston, John Charles | 9425 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Johnston, John Francis | 40618 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Johnston, Richard | 34500 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Johnston, Robert | 23848 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Johnston, Robert | 30980 | Quartermaster Sergeant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Johnston, Thomas | 38564 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Johnston, William | 35183 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Johnston, Wilson | 34506 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Johnstone, Ernest Alexander | 15155 | Farrier Sergeant | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Jones, Albert | 40600 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Jones, Arthur | 9587 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Jones, George E. | 11258 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Jones, Harry | 14244 | Squadron Sergeant Major | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Jones, Hubert | 9572 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Jones, James | 39739 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Jones, James | 30489 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Jones, John | 9524 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Jones, John Fitzwilliam S. | 11201 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
44326 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Jones, Nevin | 39241 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Jones, Robert | 31974 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Jones, Thomas | 11128 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Jones, William | 39728 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Jordan, David | 44839 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Jordan, John H. | 35170 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Jordan, Peter | 44162 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Jordan, William | 44572 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Jordan, William John | 11312 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Joyce, George | 34521 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
K |
Kane, John | 9464 | Lance Corporal | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Kane, John | 41090 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Kane, Joseph Moore | 25169 | Squadron Sergeant Major | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Kane, S N | 32547 | Corporal | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Keane, Thomas | 40795 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Kearney, William John | 40621 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Kearns, Thomas | 39754 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Kee, John | 9548 | Sergeant | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
9548 | Sergeant | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
Kellett, James Maunsell | 38603 | Lance Corporal | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Kelly, Fred Norman Chivers | 9565 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
33584 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
Kelly, J. | 24914 | Squadron Sergeant Major | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Kelly, James | 43155 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Kelly, James Dinsmore | 9531 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
44833 | Lance Corporal | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Kelly, Jeremiah Patrick | 35739 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Kelly, John | 42917 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Kelly, Mortimer | 11265 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Kelly, Patrick Joseph | 33610 | Private | Not posted to a company and did not serve overseas | .. | Second Contingent |
Kelly, William George | 37817 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Kenna, Joseph | 41077 | Shoeing Smith | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Kennedy, Edward | 9547 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
38441 | Sergeant | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Kennedy, Edward | 35145 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Kennedy, Frederick Hans | 9687 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Kennedy, George Hubert | 9621 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Kennedy, George W. | 26209 | Sergeant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Kennedy, John | 38555 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Kennedy, John | 41001 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Kennedy, Joseph | 44498 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Kennedy, Robert | 40385 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Kennedy, Timothy | 44448 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Kennedy, Tredegar | 9685 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Kennedy, William Stewart | 31979 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Kenney, Moses Paul | 35162 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Kenny, Herbert Victor | 9617 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Kenny, William Henry | 44078 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Keogh, Edward | 39723 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Kerans, Edward | 9647 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Kernaghan, Robert | 11018 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Kernaghan, William | 9443 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Kernahan, Edward | 33552 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Kernahan, W. | 24934 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Kerr, Alexander Cairns | 9579 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
38442 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Kerr, Alfred Hugh | 9412 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Kerr, George H. B. | 11097 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Kerr, Hugh | 41084 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Kerr, John | 35132 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Kettle, Owen | 11069 | Sergeant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Kidd-Davis, William | 44643 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Killops, Thomas | 40617 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Kilpatrick, George | 30579 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Kilpatrick, Hugh Alexander | 11063 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Kincaid, William | 42204 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
King, Allan Glen | 10978 | Colour Sergeant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
King, Charles John | 9509 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
30481 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
King, George | 30472 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Kingston, Robert | 40764 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Kirk, William | 11016 | Squadron Sergeant Major | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Kirkpatrick, John | 30962 | Lance Corporal | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Kirkwood, Arthur | 31976 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Kirkwood, Reginald | 25412 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Kirkwood, William Clerk | 11282 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Kirwan, John | 9655 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
38608 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Kissock, Samuel | 38056 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Knaggs, George Sydney | 39760 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Knight, Frank William | 32563 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Knox, Cecil | 38423 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Knox, Robert | 9471 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
9600 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent | |
Knox, Samuel Ballance | 9525 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Kuhl, D. | 1941 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |