L to M
To learn more about any of the men listed below, either click on their name (where there is a link), or find their name in the record of their Company under the 'Roll Call' link.
L |
Ladd, William | 11287 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Lahiff, Denis Robert | 15157 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Laing, William A. | 9616 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Laird, F. G. | 42660 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Lambert, William | 41019 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Lambert, William | 33203 | Corporal | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Landers, Frederick Henry | 41628 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Lane, Edward Horton | 40791 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Lane, Patrick Joseph | 11246 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Langford, Joseph Whitfield | 27477 | Farrier Sergeant | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Langford, William | 11266 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Lapham, Alfred | 11303 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Larke, Robert | 42914 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Larkin, Michael | 43731 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Larman, Charles Edwin | 84892 (RHA) | Sergeant | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Laughlin, James | 40622 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Lavelle, James | 44420 | Shoeing Smith | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Lavery, Joseph | 35169 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Lavery, Robert Thomson | 9545 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Leader, John Radley | 9701 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Leahey, Thomas | 25200 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Leahy, Daniel O'Mahoney | 42240 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Leckey, Thomas | 9473 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Ledwidge, Frank | 32553 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Lee, James | 40796 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Leech, Egbert | 15159 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Leech, Thomas | 38550 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Leigh, Joseph | 25204 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Leighton, John | 33400 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Lemon, Charles | 40638 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Lennon, Frank | 42214 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Lester, Charles Wesley | 41005 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Lester, Edward Louis | 11304 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Lewis, Edward | 42213 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Lewis, Thomas Henry | 29472 | Farrier Sergeant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Liggett, John | 9583 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
37818 | Squardon Quarter-master Sergeant | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Liggett, Samuel Wallace | 38059 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Likely, Robert | 44159 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Lindsay, Robert | 44447 | Shoeing Smith | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Lindsay, William | 33379 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Little, Alexander | 24108 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Little, Andrew | 9400 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Loades, Albert Alfred | 14255 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Lockhard, Francis | 10989 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Lockhart, John | 9507 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Loftus, William C. | 11250 | Sergeant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Logan, James | 11111 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Logan, John | 9491 | Corporal | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Long, George Isaac | 39246 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Long, Samuel | 9544 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Longan, Richard | 15160 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Lonsdale, Frederick | 40374 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Lord, Richard | 24919 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Lormer, Robert | 26205 | Sergeant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Louden, Victor Michael | 43160 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Loverock, Charles Gosselin | 15156 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Loverock, John Moffit | 32526 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Loverock, Mervyn Coote | 15161 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Lowery, William | 44842 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Lown, Samuel | 33266 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Lowry, Bertie | 38443 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Lowry, Matthew | 11034 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
43484 | Sergeant | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Lowry, Samuel | 40594 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Lucas, Hopton | 44079 | Lance Sergeant | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Lundie, Thomas | 41079 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Lundy, William | 38620 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Lyle, Hugh Bateson | 15162 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Lynas, Robert | 33261 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Lynch, Thomas | 44494 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Lynn, William J | 35504 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Lyons, Thomas | 15163 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Lyons, W. | 1654 | Regimental Sergeant Major | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Lyster, John Purefoy | 44023 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Lytle, James Britton | 30961 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Lyttle, Henry | 9599 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Lyttle, Samuel | 35160 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
M |
Maccabee, Victor | 38598 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
MacCarthy, Sidney Vincent | 33284 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Macdonald, Thomas Greene | 9529 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Mackey, Robert | 44838 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Mackey, Samuel | 39698 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Mackie, Odo Richard | 9481 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Mackrel, George | 35185 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Macrae, Frederick | 37838 | Corporal | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Madden, Frederick Joseph | 11242 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Madden, John William | 44141 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Magan, Michael Joseph | 44642 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Magee, David | 35507 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Magee, Edward | 9541 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Magee, Henry | 38061 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Magee, James | 22588 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Magee, John Field | 35485 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Magee, Peter Francis | 23854 | Acting Sergeant | Not posted to a company and did not serve overseas | .. | Second Contingent |
Magill, Hugh | 33264 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
33264 | Lance Corporal | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
Magill, John | 35159 | Private | Not posted to a company and did not serve overseas | .. | Second Contingent |
Magill, Thomas | 35165 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Magill, William | 23304 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Maginnes, Henry | 35148 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Maginniss, Robert | 11052 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Magner, Matthew | 30977 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Magrath, Samuel Alfred | 30467 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Maguire, Robert | 39686 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Maguire, William | 34508 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Mairs, Robert | 30966 | Saddler | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Major, Singleton | 39247 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Malcolm, George | 9500 | Sergeant | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Malcolm, Thomas | 11119 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Malcolmson, James | 30510 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Malcolmson, Samuel | 24112 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Malins, William | 35484 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Malley, Ernest | 11022 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Mallon, John | 33249 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Malone, Michael | 11093 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Manico, Walter Frederick Dyer | 11233 | Sergeant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Manifold, William | 9657 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Manley, James | 43733 | Lance Sergeant | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Manley, Matthew | 15171 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Mann, Samuel Victor | 31959 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Manning, Robert T. | 11295 | Regimental Sergeant Major | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Mannix, Thomas Brown | 38559 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Mansfield, Harold B. | 38604 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Manson, William Ballantine | 41000 | Trumpeter | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Markham, Alfred | 11090 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Marnell, Joseph | 34481 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Marriott, H. P. F. | 4792 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Marshall, Charles | 37841 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Marshall, David Muir | 11230 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Marshall, Hugh | 25626 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Marshall, Morrow | 38431 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Marshall, Robert | 37814 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Martin, David | 9711 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Martin, Ernest | 11223 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Martin, James | 9404 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Martin, James | 11106 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Martin, James | 39703 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Martin, James Alfred | 40773 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Martin, John Richard | 40774 | Lance Corporal | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Martin, Robert Hicks | 31962 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Martin, Samuel | 38613 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Martin, William | 35189 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Massey, Thomas Adam Godfrey | 15173 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Matchett, Robert | 11056 | Lance Corporal | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Mateer, William | 44519 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Matthews, John D. | 11284 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Matthews, Reginald | 41095 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Mawhinney, Robert | 40634 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Maxwell, John | 39685 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Maxwell, Robert | 42942 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Maxwell, Thompson | 33378 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Maxwell, William | 42929 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
May, Ernest Richard | 23306 | Corporal | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Mayberry, Francis | 42242 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Mayston, Lionel Bridge | 9638 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
40808 | Sergeant | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Maze, Andrew | 30488 | Corporal | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Maze, Richard | 9448 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McAlister, Robert | 33546 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McAllen, George Herbert | 9419 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McAllister, T. | 41003 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McArdle, P | 35157 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McArthur, Robert Alexander | 25416 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McAuley, George | 30611 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McBeth, William Frederick | 11264 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
McBride, Albert | 33554 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McBride, John | 42251 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McBride, Robert | 9465 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McBroom, Walter | 9380 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
38401 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
McCadden, Ernest | 11135 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
McCalmont, Henry | 35496 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McCammon, James | 30965 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McCandless, James | 42934 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McCane, John | 41619 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McCann, James | 11089 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
McCann, James | 34505 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McCann, Matthew Joseph | 11300 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
McCarron, Daniel | 11088 | Saddler | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
McCarter, Henry | 33226 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McCartney, James | 10992 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
36198 | Lance Corporal | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
McCartney, Stafford Church | 11092 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
McCashin, James Wilson | 9408 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McCaughan, Charles | 31966 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McCausland, David | 42931 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McCausland, David | 30504 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McCaw, David Nesbit | 37822 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McCaw, Percy | 40611 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McClarty, James | 41013 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McClean, John | 43154 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McCleary, Thomas W. | 33244 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McCleery, Henry | 39242 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McClelland, Andrew | 11071 | Corporal | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
McClelland, Henry | 34486 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McClelland, James | 42216 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McClelland, John Caskey | 33217 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McClelland, Thomas | 43173 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McClernon, John | 37826 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McClune, Joseph | 33403 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McClune, William Savage | 39715 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McClung, William | 44390 | Corporal | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McClure, Robert Stuart | 9571 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McClurg, Robert | 30491 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McClurg, William | 35500 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McCluskey, Bernard | 44836 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McCluskey, James | 40983 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McComb, Robert | 9516 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McComb, William John | 11033 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
McCombe, George | 37834 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McCombie, Thomas | 40800 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McCone, Samuel | 9590 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McConnell, Arthur | 11228 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
McConnell, Francis Lawrence | 40975 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McConnell, George Silver | 42926 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McConnell, Henry | 39684 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McConnell, James George | 9457 | Corporal | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McConnell, William Henderson | 9461 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McConnell, William John | 34504 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McCormack, John | 9511 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McCormick, Henry | 30964 | Quartermaster Sergeant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McCormick, James | 9472 | Corporal | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McCormick, Robert Hanna | 9454 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McCormick, William | 38402 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McCoubrie, Henry | 33573 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McCourt, Robert James | 9486 | Sergeant | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McCourt, William James | 22596 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McCoy, Thomas | 37837 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McCrea, S. | 40639 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McCrea, Thomas | 9553 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McCready, Cyril Alexander | 38589 | Bugler | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McCready, Joseph | 44080 | Lance Sergeant | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McCready, Joseph J. | 33391 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McCready, Thomas W | 33225 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McCreanor, Robert | 38625 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McCreedy, W. | 22587 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McCreight, James | 9584 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McCreight, John | 35155 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McCrudden, Thomas | 9405 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McCullagh, Huston | 15165 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
McCullogh, Frederick | 11126 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
11126 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
McCullough, David | 33396 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McCullough, George | 37829 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McCullough, James | 33272 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McCullough, Robert C. | 39710 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McCullough, William | 35167 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McCutcheon, Robert Patterson | 35136 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McDonald, Charles | 33612 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McDonald/ Fielding, James (see under James Fielding) | 9466 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
35166 | Corporal | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
McDonald, John Thomas | 11212 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
McDonald, Neil | 25409 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McDonald, Robert John | 23305 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
39689 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
McDonald, Samuel | 34497 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McDonald, Simon | 33207 | Sergeant | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McDonnell, Christopher | 32513 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McDonnell, John | 38602 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McDowall, David | 33550 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McDowell, Frank | 38057 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McDowell, James | 39695 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McDowell, James Kirkwood | 9520 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McDowell, Joseph | 9637 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McDowell, William | 44143 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McElevey, Edward | 33218 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McElhinney, John | 30612 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McElnea, Frederick Johnston | 9679 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McElveen, Benjamin Robert | 28100 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McFarland, Thomas | 30573 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McFarland, William | 31987 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McFarlane, James | 41002 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McFerran, James | 11115 | Bugler | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McGahey, Thomas | 11095 | Farrier | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
McGahie, George | 42940 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McGee, Robert Alexander | 28094 | Bugler | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McGeown, Ernest | 25421 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McGillicuddy, John | 43725 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McGivern, Edward | 30974 | Sergeant | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McGlinchey, Charles | 36199 | Farrier-Sergeant | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McGovern, Thomas | 15164 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
15164 | Sergeant | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
McGowan, James | 30598 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McGowan, John | 30576 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McGowan, Thomas | 38626 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McGrath, Alexander | 30606 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McGrath, James | 38445 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McGrath, Richard | 43424 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McGuinness, Richard J. A. | 11184 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
McGuinness, Robert Frederick | 11277 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
McGusty, Richard Murray | 9714 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McHenry, Israel | 9409 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
39682 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
McIlhagga, John | 38432 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McIlroy, Lewis | 9367 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McIlveen, Alexander | 35502 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McIlwaine, William Robert | 44521 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McIlwee, Robert | 11083 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
McIlwraith, Samuel | 9488 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McIntyre, James Henry | 42659 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McKay, Henry | 42664 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McKay, James | 10983 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
McKay, William Ninian | 39681 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McKee, George | 33591 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McKee, John | 44841 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McKee, John | 30600 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McKee, Richard | 33265 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McKee, Robert | 9569 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McKee, Robert | 24931 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McKee, William | 35142 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McKee, William John | 24927 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McKenzie, James | 34474 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McKeon, David | 15167 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
McKinley, John | 11180 | Sergeant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
McKinn, John | 44555 | Shoeing Smith | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McKinney, H. | 30603 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McKinney, Robert S | 33231 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McKinstry C. | 35164 | Sergeant | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McKinstry, Gilbert | 30617 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McKnight, Joseph | 33250 | Farrier Sergeant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McLatchey, Alfred | 35191 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McLaughlin, Francis | 33578 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McLaughlin, George | 9370 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McLaughlin, Patrick | 11281 | Sergeant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
McLaughlin, Robert | 42928 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McLean, Ernest Reeves | 32557 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McLean, James | 11067 | Corporal | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
McLean, Samuel | 9435 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McLean, William | 39697 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McLeod, George | 9476 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McMahon, Francis | 44323 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McMahon, John Alfred | 35133 | Private | Not posted to a company and did not serve overseas | .. | Second Contingent |
McMahon, Patrick Joseph | 42951 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McManus, John | 39720 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McMeekin, Thomas | 24930 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McMichael, William | 44804 | Shoeing Smith | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McMillan, Neil | 43171 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McMillen, Malcolm | 30490 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McMorran, John | 15168 | Sergeant | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
McMorran, Joseph S. | 9674 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
44086 | Corporal | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
McMullen, Edward | 25414 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McMullen, Frank | 24106 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McMullen, J. | 34516 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McMullen, James | 26213 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McMullen, William | 11208 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
McMurray, Edward Ernest | 37842 | Corporal | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McMurray, Hugh | 39680 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McMurray, Richard | 44449 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McMurray, Thomas | 40601 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McMurty, John | 11274 | Bugler | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
McNally, Nicholas | 11080 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
McNamara, Russell | 40127 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McNeese, John | 40802 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McNeice, William | 42234 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McNeill, Alexander | 33229 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McNeill, Hugh | 33556 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McNeill, James | 35503 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McNeill, James B. | 22591 | Lance Corporal | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McNeill, John | 25615 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McNeilly, Alexander | 33386 | Lance Corporal | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McPherson, Daniel | 9593 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McQuillan, Robert | 34476 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McQuiston, Samuel | 30604 | Lance Corporal | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McSpedden, Joseph | 41017 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McSwiney, Oscar Edward | 9640 | Sergeant | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McTernan, Henry James | 11189 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
McVeigh, John | 44834 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McVeigh, Samuel | 40384 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
McWatters, Edward Thomas | 33230 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McWilliams, Andrew John | 33279 | Lance Sergeant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
McWilliams, Nat | 11035 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Meade, James | 11210 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Meade, John Francis | 43729 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Meade, Richard John | 9615 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Mealy, Charles | 30585 | Sergeant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Meehan, Arthur Francis | 15174 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Megahey, John | 38404 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Megaw, Thomas Henry | 42225 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Meneely, John | 42235 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Mercer, David | 11140 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Mercer, William | 30976 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Mercier, Charles | 32560 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Mercier, William Henry | 32504 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Meredith, George Frederick | 38224 | Lance Corporal | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Merritt, Frederick | 42252 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Merry, James Samuel | 40801 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Middleton, Henry Maxton | 9682 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Millar, John | 11109 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Millar, John | 34498 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Millar, Robert | 33222 | Farrier Sergeant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Millar, Thomas Evandale | 11311 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Millar, William | 31978 | Sergeant Major | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Millar, William James | 33273 | Shoeing Smith | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Miller, John | 10998 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Miller, K. | 35190 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Millerd, Francis | 43744 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Milligan, Frank Marshall | 32552 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Milligan, John | 38615 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Mills, John | 38058 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Mills, Thomas Ford | 33283 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Minnis, William James | 24916 | Squadron Sergeant Major | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Mitchell, Arthur Cree | 9468 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Mitchell, George | 35161 | Shoeing-Smith | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Mitchell, William | 41093 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Moeran, Robert Warner | 42919 | Corporal | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Moir, Thomas | 25179 | Lance Corporal | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Molloy, James | 33199 | Supernumerary Sergeant | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Molloy, John Lawrence | 32561 | Sergeant | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Moloney, John | 42946 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Monaghan, Patrick | 33277 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Moncrieff, Francis Warden | 9430 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Monroe, Frank | 39259 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Monson, William Herbert | 9686 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Montgomery, Hugh | 11000 | Quartermaster Sergeant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Montgomery, Hugh | 40799 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Montgomery, James Armstrong | 10997 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
10997 | Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
Montgomery, John | 33561 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Montgomery, John Montgomery | 23859 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Montgomery, Robert | 9533 | Corporal | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
40593 | Sergeant | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Montgomery, Thomas H. | 14245 | Quartermaster Sergeant | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Montgomery, Thomas James | 33232 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Montgomery, William | 9503 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Montgomery, William G. | 33389 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
33389 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
Montgomery, William John | 30503 | Farrier Sergeant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Moody, George Goldney | 9406 | Sergeant | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Mooney, David George Morgan | 9371 | Corporal | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Mooney, Frederick | 9708 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Mooney, James | 35491 | Farrier Sergeant | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Mooney, John | 9379 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Mooney, Patrick | 42941 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Moore, Charles Connor | 9453 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Moore, Francis Alexander | 43169 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Moore, George | 9455 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Moore, Henry | 9498 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Moore, Henry | 39750 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Moore, Herbert | 11042 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Moore, Hugh | 15177 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Moore, James | 42201 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Moore, John | 9377 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
38408 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
38408 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Moore, John | 15178 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Moore, Ralph Edward | 44081 | Corporal | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Moore, Richard Lionel E. | 15176 | Corporal | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Moore, Thomas Quinton | 41020 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Moore, William | 9556 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Moore, William | 42933 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Moore, William James | 38430 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Moreton, Charles Hawkesley | 10993 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Morgan, David Gilliland | 31977 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Morgan, Henry | 41607 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Mormon, James | 38593 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Morris, Robert | 11075 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Morrison, David | 11102 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Morrison, Henry Clifford | 33609 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Morrison, John | 30480 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Morrison, Quinn | 22585 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Morrison, Samuel Henry | 32506 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Morrow, Arron | 11136 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Morrow, James | 33590 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Morrow, Samuel | 11041 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Morrow, Stewart | 31971 | Sergeant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Morrow, Waddell | 42221 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Mortimer, George Pearse | 14194 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Morton, Campbell | 11068 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Morton, Robert William | 11270 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Morton, Samuel | 32528 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Morton, Thomas E. | 11272 | Corporal | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Mouncey, Sidney | 40988 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Mulcahy, William | 42947 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Mulholland, Henry | 34484 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Mulholland, Thomas | 28101 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Mullan, John | 34485 | Private | Not posted to a company and did not serve overseas | .. | Second Contingent |
Munce, Samuel | 24109 | Bugler | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Murdock James | 33219 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Murdock, James | 25185 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Murphy, Andrew | 22598 | Company Quartermaster Sergeant | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Murphy, Edward | 44160 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Murphy, Edward Alexander | 15179 | Sergeant | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Murphy, George | 33548 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Murphy, John | 34501 | Shoeing-Smith | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Murphy, John | 30959 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Murphy, John B. | 33228 | Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
33228 | Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
Murphy, Martin | 39735 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Murphy, Thomas | 9628 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Murphy, Thomas | 9528 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
39248 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Murphy, Thomas | 40371 | Corporal | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Murphy, Thomas Patrick | 32532 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Murphy, William | 32530 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Murphy, William F. | 11188 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Murphy, William James | 40624 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Murray, James | 9580 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Murray, Joseph | 39727 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Murray, Joseph | 30463 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Murray, Thomas | 30465 | Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |