L to M


To learn more about any of the men listed below, either click on their name (where there is a link), or find their name in the record of their Company under the 'Roll Call' link.


Ladd, William 11287 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Lahiff, Denis Robert 15157 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Laing, William A. 9616 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Laird, F. G. 42660 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Lambert, William 41019 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Lambert, William 33203 Corporal 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Landers, Frederick Henry 41628 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Lane, Edward Horton 40791 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Lane, Patrick Joseph 11246 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Langford, Joseph Whitfield 27477 Farrier Sergeant 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Langford, William 11266 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Lapham, Alfred 11303 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Larke, Robert 42914 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Larkin, Michael 43731 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Larman, Charles Edwin 84892 (RHA) Sergeant 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Laughlin, James 40622 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Lavelle, James 44420 Shoeing Smith 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Lavery, Joseph 35169 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Lavery, Robert Thomson 9545 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Leader, John Radley 9701 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Leahey, Thomas 25200 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Leahy, Daniel O'Mahoney 42240 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Leckey, Thomas 9473 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Ledwidge, Frank 32553 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Lee, James 40796 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Leech, Egbert 15159 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Leech, Thomas 38550 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Leigh, Joseph 25204 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Leighton, John 33400 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Lemon, Charles 40638 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Lennon, Frank 42214 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Lester, Charles Wesley 41005 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Lester, Edward Louis 11304 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Lewis, Edward 42213 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Lewis, Thomas Henry 29472 Farrier Sergeant 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Liggett, John 9583 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
37818 Squardon Quarter-master Sergeant 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Liggett, Samuel Wallace 38059 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Likely, Robert 44159 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Lindsay, Robert 44447 Shoeing Smith 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Lindsay, William 33379 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Little, Alexander 24108 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Little, Andrew 9400 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Loades, Albert Alfred 14255 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Lockhard, Francis 10989 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Lockhart, John 9507 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Loftus, William C. 11250 Sergeant 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Logan, James 11111 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Logan, John 9491 Corporal 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Long, George Isaac 39246 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Long, Samuel 9544 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Longan, Richard 15160 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Lonsdale, Frederick 40374 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Lord, Richard 24919 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Lormer, Robert 26205 Sergeant 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Louden, Victor Michael 43160 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Loverock, Charles Gosselin 15156 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Loverock, John Moffit 32526 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Loverock, Mervyn Coote 15161 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Lowery, William 44842 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Lown, Samuel 33266 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Lowry, Bertie 38443 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Lowry, Matthew 11034 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
43484 Sergeant 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Lowry, Samuel 40594 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Lucas, Hopton 44079 Lance Sergeant 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Lundie, Thomas 41079 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Lundy, William 38620 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Lyle, Hugh Bateson 15162 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Lynas, Robert 33261 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Lynch, Thomas 44494 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Lynn, William J 35504 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Lyons, Thomas 15163 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Lyons, W. 1654 Regimental Sergeant Major 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Lyster, John Purefoy 44023 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Lytle, James Britton 30961 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Lyttle, Henry 9599 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Lyttle, Samuel 35160 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Maccabee, Victor 38598 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
MacCarthy, Sidney Vincent 33284 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Macdonald, Thomas Greene 9529 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Mackey, Robert 44838 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Mackey, Samuel 39698 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Mackie, Odo Richard 9481 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Mackrel, George 35185 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Macrae, Frederick 37838 Corporal 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Madden, Frederick Joseph 11242 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Madden, John William 44141 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Magan, Michael Joseph 44642 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Magee, David 35507 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Magee, Edward 9541 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Magee, Henry 38061 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Magee, James 22588 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Magee, John Field 35485 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Magee, Peter Francis 23854 Acting Sergeant Not posted to a company and did not serve overseas .. Second Contingent
Magill, Hugh 33264 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
33264 Lance Corporal 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Magill, John 35159 Private Not posted to a company and did not serve overseas .. Second Contingent
Magill, Thomas 35165 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Magill, William 23304 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Maginnes, Henry 35148 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Maginniss, Robert 11052 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Magner, Matthew 30977 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Magrath, Samuel Alfred 30467 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Maguire, Robert 39686 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Maguire, William 34508 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Mairs, Robert 30966 Saddler 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Major, Singleton 39247 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Malcolm, George 9500 Sergeant 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Malcolm, Thomas 11119 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Malcolmson, James 30510 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Malcolmson, Samuel 24112 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Malins, William 35484 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Malley, Ernest 11022 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Mallon, John 33249 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Malone, Michael 11093 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Manico, Walter Frederick Dyer 11233 Sergeant 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Manifold, William 9657 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Manley, James 43733 Lance Sergeant 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Manley, Matthew 15171 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Mann, Samuel Victor 31959 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Manning, Robert T. 11295 Regimental Sergeant Major 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Mannix, Thomas Brown 38559 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Mansfield, Harold B. 38604 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Manson, William Ballantine 41000 Trumpeter 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Markham, Alfred 11090 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Marnell, Joseph 34481 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Marriott, H. P. F. 4792 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Marshall, Charles 37841 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Marshall, David Muir 11230 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Marshall, Hugh 25626 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Marshall, Morrow 38431 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Marshall, Robert 37814 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Martin, David 9711 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Martin, Ernest 11223 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Martin, James 9404 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Martin, James 11106 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Martin, James 39703 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Martin, James Alfred 40773 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Martin, John Richard 40774 Lance Corporal 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Martin, Robert Hicks 31962 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Martin, Samuel 38613 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Martin, William 35189 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Massey, Thomas Adam Godfrey 15173 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Matchett, Robert 11056 Lance Corporal 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Mateer, William 44519 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Matthews, John D. 11284 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Matthews, Reginald 41095 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Mawhinney, Robert 40634 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Maxwell, John 39685 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Maxwell, Robert 42942 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Maxwell, Thompson 33378 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Maxwell, William 42929 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
May, Ernest Richard 23306 Corporal 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Mayberry, Francis 42242 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Mayston, Lionel Bridge 9638 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
40808 Sergeant 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Maze, Andrew 30488 Corporal 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Maze, Richard 9448 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McAlister, Robert 33546 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McAllen, George Herbert 9419 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McAllister, T. 41003 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McArdle, P 35157 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
McArthur, Robert Alexander 25416 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
McAuley, George 30611 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McBeth, William Frederick 11264 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
McBride, Albert 33554 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McBride, John 42251 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McBride, Robert 9465 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McBroom, Walter 9380 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
38401 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McCadden, Ernest 11135 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
McCalmont, Henry 35496 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
McCammon, James 30965 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McCandless, James 42934 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McCane, John 41619 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McCann, James 11089 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
McCann, James 34505 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
McCann, Matthew Joseph 11300 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
McCarron, Daniel 11088 Saddler 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
McCarter, Henry 33226 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McCartney, James 10992 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
36198 Lance Corporal 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
McCartney, Stafford Church 11092 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
McCashin, James Wilson 9408 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McCaughan, Charles 31966 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McCausland, David 42931 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McCausland, David 30504 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McCaw, David Nesbit 37822 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McCaw, Percy 40611 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McClarty, James 41013 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McClean, John 43154 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McCleary, Thomas W. 33244 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McCleery, Henry 39242 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McClelland, Andrew 11071 Corporal 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
McClelland, Henry 34486 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
McClelland, James 42216 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McClelland, John Caskey 33217 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McClelland, Thomas 43173 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McClernon, John 37826 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McClune, Joseph 33403 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McClune, William Savage 39715 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McClung, William 44390 Corporal 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McClure, Robert Stuart 9571 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McClurg, Robert 30491 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McClurg, William 35500 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
McCluskey, Bernard 44836 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McCluskey, James 40983 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McComb, Robert 9516 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McComb, William John 11033 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
McCombe, George 37834 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McCombie, Thomas 40800 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McCone, Samuel 9590 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McConnell, Arthur 11228 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
McConnell, Francis Lawrence 40975 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McConnell, George Silver 42926 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McConnell, Henry 39684 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McConnell, James George 9457 Corporal 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McConnell, William Henderson 9461 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McConnell, William John 34504 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
McCormack, John 9511 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McCormick, Henry 30964 Quartermaster Sergeant 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McCormick, James 9472 Corporal 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McCormick, Robert Hanna 9454 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McCormick, William 38402 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McCoubrie, Henry 33573 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McCourt, Robert James 9486 Sergeant 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McCourt, William James 22596 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McCoy, Thomas 37837 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McCrea, S. 40639 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McCrea, Thomas 9553 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McCready, Cyril Alexander 38589 Bugler 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McCready, Joseph 44080 Lance Sergeant 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McCready, Joseph J. 33391 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McCready, Thomas W 33225 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
McCreanor, Robert 38625 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McCreedy, W. 22587 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
McCreight, James 9584 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McCreight, John 35155 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
McCrudden, Thomas 9405 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McCullagh, Huston 15165 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
McCullogh, Frederick 11126 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
11126 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
McCullough, David 33396 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McCullough, George 37829 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McCullough, James 33272 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McCullough, Robert C. 39710 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McCullough, William 35167 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
McCutcheon, Robert Patterson 35136 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
McDonald, Charles 33612 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
McDonald/ Fielding, James (see under James Fielding) 9466 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
35166 Corporal 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
McDonald, John Thomas 11212 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
McDonald, Neil 25409 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
McDonald, Robert John 23305 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
39689 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McDonald, Samuel 34497 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
McDonald, Simon 33207 Sergeant 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
McDonnell, Christopher 32513 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
McDonnell, John 38602 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McDowall, David 33550 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McDowell, Frank 38057 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McDowell, James 39695 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McDowell, James Kirkwood 9520 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McDowell, Joseph 9637 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McDowell, William 44143 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McElevey, Edward 33218 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
McElhinney, John 30612 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McElnea, Frederick Johnston 9679 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McElveen, Benjamin Robert 28100 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
McFarland, Thomas 30573 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
McFarland, William 31987 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McFarlane, James 41002 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McFerran, James 11115 Bugler 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McGahey, Thomas 11095 Farrier 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
McGahie, George 42940 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McGee, Robert Alexander 28094 Bugler 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McGeown, Ernest 25421 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
McGillicuddy, John 43725 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McGivern, Edward 30974 Sergeant 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
McGlinchey, Charles 36199 Farrier-Sergeant 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
McGovern, Thomas 15164 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
15164 Sergeant 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
McGowan, James 30598 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McGowan, John 30576 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McGowan, Thomas 38626 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McGrath, Alexander 30606 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McGrath, James 38445 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McGrath, Richard 43424 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McGuinness, Richard J. A. 11184 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
McGuinness, Robert Frederick 11277 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
McGusty, Richard Murray 9714 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McHenry, Israel 9409 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
39682 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McIlhagga, John 38432 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McIlroy, Lewis 9367 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McIlveen, Alexander 35502 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
McIlwaine, William Robert 44521 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McIlwee, Robert 11083 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
McIlwraith, Samuel 9488 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McIntyre, James Henry 42659 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McKay, Henry 42664 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McKay, James 10983 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
McKay, William Ninian 39681 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McKee, George 33591 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McKee, John 44841 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McKee, John 30600 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McKee, Richard 33265 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McKee, Robert 9569 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McKee, Robert 24931 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
McKee, William 35142 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
McKee, William John 24927 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
McKenzie, James 34474 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
McKeon, David 15167 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
McKinley, John 11180 Sergeant 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
McKinn, John 44555 Shoeing Smith 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McKinney, H. 30603 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McKinney, Robert S 33231 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
McKinstry C. 35164 Sergeant 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
McKinstry, Gilbert 30617 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McKnight, Joseph 33250 Farrier Sergeant 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McLatchey, Alfred 35191 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
McLaughlin, Francis 33578 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McLaughlin, George 9370 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McLaughlin, Patrick 11281 Sergeant 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
McLaughlin, Robert 42928 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McLean, Ernest Reeves 32557 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
McLean, James 11067 Corporal 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
McLean, Samuel 9435 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McLean, William 39697 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McLeod, George 9476 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McMahon, Francis 44323 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McMahon, John Alfred 35133 Private Not posted to a company and did not serve overseas .. Second Contingent
McMahon, Patrick Joseph 42951 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McManus, John 39720 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McMeekin, Thomas 24930 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
McMichael, William 44804 Shoeing Smith 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McMillan, Neil 43171 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McMillen, Malcolm 30490 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McMorran, John 15168 Sergeant 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
McMorran, Joseph S. 9674 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
44086 Corporal 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McMullen, Edward 25414 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
McMullen, Frank 24106 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
McMullen, J. 34516 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McMullen, James 26213 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McMullen, William 11208 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
McMurray, Edward Ernest 37842 Corporal 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McMurray, Hugh 39680 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McMurray, Richard 44449 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McMurray, Thomas 40601 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McMurty, John 11274 Bugler 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
McNally, Nicholas 11080 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
McNamara, Russell 40127 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McNeese, John 40802 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McNeice, William 42234 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McNeill, Alexander 33229 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McNeill, Hugh 33556 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McNeill, James 35503 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
McNeill, James B. 22591 Lance Corporal 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
McNeill, John 25615 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
McNeilly, Alexander 33386 Lance Corporal  99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
McPherson, Daniel 9593 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McQuillan, Robert 34476 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
McQuiston, Samuel 30604 Lance Corporal 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McSpedden, Joseph 41017 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McSwiney, Oscar Edward 9640 Sergeant 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McTernan, Henry James 11189 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
McVeigh, John 44834 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McVeigh, Samuel 40384 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
McWatters, Edward Thomas 33230 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McWilliams, Andrew John 33279 Lance Sergeant 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
McWilliams, Nat 11035 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Meade, James 11210 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Meade, John Francis 43729 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Meade, Richard John 9615 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Mealy, Charles 30585 Sergeant 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Meehan, Arthur Francis 15174 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Megahey, John 38404 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Megaw, Thomas Henry 42225 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Meneely, John 42235 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Mercer, David 11140 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Mercer, William 30976 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Mercier, Charles 32560 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Mercier, William Henry 32504 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Meredith, George Frederick 38224 Lance Corporal 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Merritt, Frederick 42252 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Merry, James Samuel 40801 Private 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Middleton, Henry Maxton 9682 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Millar, John 11109 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Millar, John 34498 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Millar, Robert 33222 Farrier Sergeant 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Millar, Thomas Evandale 11311 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Millar, William 31978 Sergeant Major 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Millar, William James 33273 Shoeing Smith 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Miller, John 10998 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Miller, K. 35190 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Millerd, Francis 43744 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Milligan, Frank Marshall 32552 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Milligan, John 38615 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Mills, John 38058 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Mills, Thomas Ford 33283 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Minnis, William James 24916 Squadron Sergeant Major 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Mitchell, Arthur Cree 9468 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Mitchell, George 35161 Shoeing-Smith 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Mitchell, William 41093 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Moeran, Robert Warner 42919 Corporal 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Moir, Thomas 25179 Lance Corporal 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Molloy, James 33199 Supernumerary Sergeant 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Molloy, John Lawrence 32561 Sergeant 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Moloney, John 42946 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Monaghan, Patrick 33277 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Moncrieff, Francis Warden 9430 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Monroe, Frank 39259 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Monson, William Herbert 9686 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Montgomery, Hugh 11000 Quartermaster Sergeant 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Montgomery, Hugh 40799 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Montgomery, James Armstrong 10997 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
10997 Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Montgomery, John 33561 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Montgomery, John Montgomery 23859 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Montgomery, Robert 9533 Corporal 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
40593 Sergeant 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Montgomery, Thomas H. 14245 Quartermaster Sergeant 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Montgomery, Thomas James 33232 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Montgomery, William 9503 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Montgomery, William G. 33389 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
33389 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Montgomery, William John 30503 Farrier Sergeant 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Moody, George Goldney 9406 Sergeant 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Mooney, David George Morgan 9371 Corporal 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Mooney, Frederick 9708 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Mooney, James 35491 Farrier Sergeant 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Mooney, John 9379 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Mooney, Patrick 42941 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Moore, Charles Connor 9453 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Moore, Francis Alexander 43169 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Moore, George 9455 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Moore, Henry 9498 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Moore, Henry 39750 Private 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Moore, Herbert 11042 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Moore, Hugh 15177 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Moore, James 42201 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Moore, John 9377 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
38408 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
38408 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Moore, John 15178 Private 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Moore, Ralph Edward 44081 Corporal 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Moore, Richard Lionel E. 15176 Corporal 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Moore, Thomas Quinton 41020 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Moore, William 9556 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Moore, William 42933 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Moore, William James 38430 Private 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Moreton, Charles Hawkesley 10993 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Morgan, David Gilliland 31977 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Morgan, Henry 41607 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Mormon, James 38593 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Morris, Robert 11075 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Morrison, David 11102 Private 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Morrison, Henry Clifford 33609 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Morrison, John 30480 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Morrison, Quinn 22585 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Morrison, Samuel Henry 32506 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Morrow, Arron 11136 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Morrow, James 33590 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Morrow, Samuel 11041 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Morrow, Stewart 31971 Sergeant 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Morrow, Waddell 42221 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Mortimer, George Pearse 14194 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Morton, Campbell 11068 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Morton, Robert William 11270 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Morton, Samuel 32528 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Morton, Thomas E. 11272 Corporal 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Mouncey, Sidney 40988 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Mulcahy, William 42947 Private 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Mulholland, Henry 34484 Private 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Mulholland, Thomas 28101 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Mullan, John 34485 Private Not posted to a company and did not serve overseas .. Second Contingent
Munce, Samuel 24109 Bugler 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Murdock James 33219 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Murdock, James 25185 Private 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Murphy, Andrew 22598 Company Quartermaster Sergeant 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Murphy, Edward 44160 Private 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Murphy, Edward Alexander 15179 Sergeant 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Murphy, George 33548 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Murphy, John 34501 Shoeing-Smith 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Murphy, John 30959 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Murphy, John B. 33228 Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
33228 Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Murphy, Martin 39735 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Murphy, Thomas 9628 Private 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Murphy, Thomas 9528 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
39248 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Murphy, Thomas 40371 Corporal 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Murphy, Thomas Patrick 32532 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Murphy, William 32530 Private 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Murphy, William F. 11188 Private 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) 17th Battalion First Contingent
Murphy, William James 40624 Private 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Murray, James 9580 Private 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Murray, Joseph 39727 Private Not posted to a company, no overseas service 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Murray, Joseph 30463 Private 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Murray, Thomas 30465 Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent