Officers: A to Z


To learn more about any of the men listed below, either click on their name (where there is a link), or find their name in the record of their Company under the 'Roll Call' link.


Anderson, T. A. J. Veterinary Lieutenant Staff 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Armstrong, Sir Andrew H., Bart. Lieutenant 61st (South Irish Horse) Company 17th Battalion First Contingent
Bailey, Alexander Taylor Lieutenant 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Banon, F. L. Lieutenant-Colonel Staff 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Barlow, H. Captain 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Bayliss, James William Hon. Lieut, & Quartermaster Staff 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Benson, John Ingham Lieutenant 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Blackburne, John G., Gent. Lieutenant 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Blake (Gent.), St. John Robert Bowen Lieutenant 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Blake, Thomas A. Lieutenant & Quartermaster Staff 16th Battalion First Contingent
Booker, Henry Whitford Lieutenant 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Bowes-Lyon, the Hon. Malcolm Captain 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Brabazon, Hon. Claude M. P. Lieutenant 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Brook, C. Captain & Adjutant Staff 16th Battalion First Contingent
Brooke, H. H. Lieutenant 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Browne, J. Captain & Adjutant Staff 17th Battalion First Contingent
Butler (Gent.), Harry Claude Lieutenant 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Butler, William Mahoney Lieutenant 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Calwell (Gent.), Alexander McDonnell Lieutenant 60th (North Irish Horse) Company 17th Battalion First Contingent
Carden, Henry Charles Captain 61st (South Irish Horse) Company 17th Battalion First Contingent
Chapman, W. H. Machine Gun Commander Staff 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Chesney, Kellew Lieutenant-Colonel Staff 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Coles, L. H. Lieutenant & Quartermaster Staff 17th Battalion First Contingent
Cowan (Gent.), Charles George Lieutenant 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Craig, James Lieutenant 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Captain 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Crawford, Hedley Reginald Henry Lieutenant 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Crichton, Hubert F. Captain 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Cunningham, E. A. Major Staff 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Dales (Gent.), Harvey Lieutenant 60th (North Irish Horse) Company 17th Battalion First Contingent
Captain 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
De Burgh (Gent.), T. J. Major/ Lieutenant-Colonel Staff 17th Battalion First Contingent
de Rougemont, C. H., DSO Lieutenant-Colonel Staff 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Deare, F. A. Lieutenant-Colonel Staff 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Despard, Charles Beauclerk Lieutenant 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Devenish-Meares, Leycester Francis Lieutenant 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Captain 60h (North Irish Horse) Company (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Dickinson (Gent.), Harold E. Lieutenant & Quartermaster Staff 13th Battalion First Contingent
Dicks (Gent.), Valentine Lieutenant 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Donnelly Esq., Crawford S. Lieutenant 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Dooley Edwin E. Lieutenant 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Dyer, J. E. F. Major Staff 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Fenner (Gent.) MRCVS, Edgar Alfred Lowdell Veterinary Lieutenant Staff 13th Battalion First Contingent
Fingall, Arthur J. Earl of Lieutenant 61st (South Irish Horse) Company 17th Battalion First Contingent
Ford, Hugh R. L. Lieutenant 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Lieutenant 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
French, C. J.  Lieutenant 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Fuller, H. J. Captain & Adjutant Staff 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Garstin, Lionel Norman Lieutenant 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Gibson, Hon. Victor Lieutenant 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Gorringe, A. A. Captain 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Gray (Gent.), Arthur Lieutenant 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Greer, T. McGregor Lieutenant 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Guy, A. H.  Lieutenant 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Hackett, T. D. H. Lieutenant 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Hadley (Gent.) MB, F.A. Surgeon Captain Staff 13th Battalion First Contingent
Hare, Richard Granville, Viscount Ennismore Lieutenant 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Captain 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Harland, William Captain 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Harvey, H. C. Lieutenant 60th (North Irish Horse) Company 17th Battalion First Contingent
Hayes (Gent.), Charles Bianconi Lieutenant 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Healy, Guy R. Lieutenant 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Heslip (Gent.), Isaac Lieutenant 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Hewlings, H. H. Captain & Adjutant Staff 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Hewson (Gent.), Lionel Lloyd Captain 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Hilliard Arthur Herbert Lieutenant 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Holland, Arthur Gambier Major Staff 13th Battalion First Contingent
Humby, James Frederick Captain 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Captain 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Hume-Kelly, F. V. Lieutenant 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Irvine, H. A. S. Machine Gun Commander Staff 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Lieutenant 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Jameson Henry Robert Lieutenant 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Jenkinson, George S. C. Major Staff 16th Battalion First Contingent
Jervis, Ernest C. S. Captain & Adjutant Staff 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Kingston, H.E., Earl of Lieutenant 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Kirby Bart., A. D. Major Staff 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Leitrim, Charles Earl of Lieutenant 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Leland, Lionel Thomas Hillier Lieutenant 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Lester, Edward Louis Lieutenant 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Lockwood (Gent.) MRCVS, J. H. Veterinary Lieutenant Staff 16th Battalion First Contingent
Long (Gent.), E. Lieutenant 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Lowden, H. E. Major Staff 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Madan Esq., Frederick M. Lieutenant 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Lieutenant 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Mann, G. D. Lieutenant 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Martin MB, J. E. Surgeon Captain Staff 17th Battalion First Contingent
Maude (Gent.), Ralph A. Captain 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
McClintock, A. G. Captain & Adjutant Staff 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Medlicott, Henry Edward Lieutenant 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Merrick (Gent.), Frank Stewart Lieutenant 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Milner, G. F. Major Staff 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Mitchell, James R. Lieutenant 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Captain 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Montgomery, Francis J. Lieutenant 54th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Montgomery, Hugh F. Lieutenant 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Captain & Adjutant Staff 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Moody (Gent.), George Goldney Lieutenant 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Mooney, David George Morgan Lieutenant 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Moore, R. Leo Captain 60th (North Irish Horse) Company 17th Battalion First Contingent
Moore, R. St. Leger Lieutenant-Colonel Staff 17th Battalion First Contingent
Morgan (Gent.), F. A. Lieutenant 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Moulton-Barrett, H. P. Major Staff 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Murland (Gent.), Thomas Stanley Lieutenant 60th (North Irish Horse) Company 17th Battalion First Contingent
Captain 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Newton, Willioghby Chaplin Lieutenant 61st (South Irish Horse) Company 17th Battalion First Contingent
Pakenham, Thomas, Earl of Longford Captain 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Lieutenant-Colonel Staff 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Phibbs, Darnley Lieutenant 131st (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Pike, R. N.  Lieutenant 99th (Irish) Company 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Power (Bart), Sir John Elliott Cecil Lieutenant 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Quarry, F. J. Lieutenant 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Reynolds (Gent.), Hay Surgeon Captain Staff 16th Battalion First Contingent
Ricketts MD CMG, Arthur Surgeon-Captain Staff 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Ridley, H. M. Lieutenant-Colonel Staff 16th Battalion First Contingent
Roberts, I. D'E. Lieutenant 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Robinson, Ernest Rokeby Captain & Adjutant Staff 13th Battalion First Contingent
Robinson, William Pasley Lieutenant 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Ross (Gent.), Daniel Joseph Lieutenant 132nd (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Rutledge (Gent.), David K. Lieutenant 46th (Belfast) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Shaw, R. A. Lieutenant 176th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Silver, Arthur Lieutenant 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (New) 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Smallwood (Gent.), Arthur Lieutenant & Machine Gun Commander Staff 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Spragge DSO, Basil Edward Lieutenant-Colonel Staff 13th Battalion First Contingent
Stannus, Thomas Robert Alexander Lieutenant 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Stokes, H. Lieutenant 175th (Irish Horse) Company 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Stuckey, A. E. A. Lieutenant & Quartermaster Staff 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Sullivan, Harry Thomas Lieutenant 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Thomas, G. E. Lieutenant & Quartermaster Staff 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Tottenham, Arthur Gore Loftus Lieutenant 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent
Tyrrell, Thomas R. G. Lieutenant 46th (Belfast) Company (New) 12th Battalion Second Contingent
Villiers-Stuart, Henry Charles, Esq Lieutenant 45th (Dublin) Company 13th Battalion First Contingent
Wadmore (Gent.), Alban H. T. Lieutenant 74th (Dublin) Company 16th Battalion First Contingent
Walker, F. G. Lieutenant & Quartermaster Staff 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Ward, E.O. Lieutenant 61st (South Irish Horse) Company 17th Battalion First Contingent
Weathrall (Gent.) MRCVS, Charles Hoffman George Hon. Lieut. & Veterinary Officer Staff 29th Battalion Third Contingent
Wright, J. Lieutenant & Quartermaster Staff 17th Battalion Second Contingent
Yates, William Milwarde Lieutenant 74th (Dublin) Company (New) 8th Battalion Second Contingent