Officers: A to Z
To learn more about any of the men listed below, either click on their name (where there is a link), or find their name in the record of their Company under the 'Roll Call' link.
Anderson, T. A. J. | Veterinary Lieutenant | Staff | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Armstrong, Sir Andrew H., Bart. | Lieutenant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Bailey, Alexander Taylor | Lieutenant | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Banon, F. L. | Lieutenant-Colonel | Staff | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Barlow, H. | Captain | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Bayliss, James William | Hon. Lieut, & Quartermaster | Staff | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Benson, John Ingham | Lieutenant | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Blackburne, John G., Gent. | Lieutenant | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Blake (Gent.), St. John Robert Bowen | Lieutenant | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Blake, Thomas A. | Lieutenant & Quartermaster | Staff | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Booker, Henry Whitford | Lieutenant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Bowes-Lyon, the Hon. Malcolm | Captain | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Brabazon, Hon. Claude M. P. | Lieutenant | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Brook, C. | Captain & Adjutant | Staff | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Brooke, H. H. | Lieutenant | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Browne, J. | Captain & Adjutant | Staff | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Butler (Gent.), Harry Claude | Lieutenant | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Butler, William Mahoney | Lieutenant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Calwell (Gent.), Alexander McDonnell | Lieutenant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Carden, Henry Charles | Captain | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Chapman, W. H. | Machine Gun Commander | Staff | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Chesney, Kellew | Lieutenant-Colonel | Staff | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Coles, L. H. | Lieutenant & Quartermaster | Staff | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Cowan (Gent.), Charles George | Lieutenant | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Craig, James | Lieutenant | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Captain | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Crawford, Hedley Reginald Henry | Lieutenant | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Crichton, Hubert F. | Captain | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Cunningham, E. A. | Major | Staff | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Dales (Gent.), Harvey | Lieutenant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Captain | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
De Burgh (Gent.), T. J. | Major/ Lieutenant-Colonel | Staff | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
de Rougemont, C. H., DSO | Lieutenant-Colonel | Staff | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Deare, F. A. | Lieutenant-Colonel | Staff | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Despard, Charles Beauclerk | Lieutenant | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Devenish-Meares, Leycester Francis | Lieutenant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Captain | 60h (North Irish Horse) Company (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
Dickinson (Gent.), Harold E. | Lieutenant & Quartermaster | Staff | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Dicks (Gent.), Valentine | Lieutenant | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Donnelly Esq., Crawford S. | Lieutenant | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Dooley Edwin E. | Lieutenant | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Dyer, J. E. F. | Major | Staff | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Fenner (Gent.) MRCVS, Edgar Alfred Lowdell | Veterinary Lieutenant | Staff | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Fingall, Arthur J. Earl of | Lieutenant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Ford, Hugh R. L. | Lieutenant | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Lieutenant | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
French, C. J. | Lieutenant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Fuller, H. J. | Captain & Adjutant | Staff | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Garstin, Lionel Norman | Lieutenant | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Gibson, Hon. Victor | Lieutenant | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Gorringe, A. A. | Captain | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Gray (Gent.), Arthur | Lieutenant | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Greer, T. McGregor | Lieutenant | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Guy, A. H. | Lieutenant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hackett, T. D. H. | Lieutenant | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hadley (Gent.) MB, F.A. | Surgeon Captain | Staff | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hare, Richard Granville, Viscount Ennismore | Lieutenant | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Captain | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
Harland, William | Captain | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Harvey, H. C. | Lieutenant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Hayes (Gent.), Charles Bianconi | Lieutenant | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Healy, Guy R. | Lieutenant | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Heslip (Gent.), Isaac | Lieutenant | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hewlings, H. H. | Captain & Adjutant | Staff | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Hewson (Gent.), Lionel Lloyd | Captain | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Hilliard Arthur Herbert | Lieutenant | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Holland, Arthur Gambier | Major | Staff | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Humby, James Frederick | Captain | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Captain | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
Hume-Kelly, F. V. | Lieutenant | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Irvine, H. A. S. | Machine Gun Commander | Staff | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Lieutenant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
Jameson Henry Robert | Lieutenant | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Jenkinson, George S. C. | Major | Staff | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Jervis, Ernest C. S. | Captain & Adjutant | Staff | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Kingston, H.E., Earl of | Lieutenant | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Kirby Bart., A. D. | Major | Staff | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Leitrim, Charles Earl of | Lieutenant | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Leland, Lionel Thomas Hillier | Lieutenant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Lester, Edward Louis | Lieutenant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Lockwood (Gent.) MRCVS, J. H. | Veterinary Lieutenant | Staff | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Long (Gent.), E. | Lieutenant | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Lowden, H. E. | Major | Staff | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Madan Esq., Frederick M. | Lieutenant | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Lieutenant | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
Mann, G. D. | Lieutenant | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Martin MB, J. E. | Surgeon Captain | Staff | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Maude (Gent.), Ralph A. | Captain | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
McClintock, A. G. | Captain & Adjutant | Staff | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Medlicott, Henry Edward | Lieutenant | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Merrick (Gent.), Frank Stewart | Lieutenant | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Milner, G. F. | Major | Staff | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Mitchell, James R. | Lieutenant | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Captain | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Montgomery, Francis J. | Lieutenant | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Montgomery, Hugh F. | Lieutenant | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Captain & Adjutant | Staff | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Moody (Gent.), George Goldney | Lieutenant | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Mooney, David George Morgan | Lieutenant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Moore, R. Leo | Captain | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Moore, R. St. Leger | Lieutenant-Colonel | Staff | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Morgan (Gent.), F. A. | Lieutenant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Moulton-Barrett, H. P. | Major | Staff | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Murland (Gent.), Thomas Stanley | Lieutenant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Captain | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
Newton, Willioghby Chaplin | Lieutenant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Pakenham, Thomas, Earl of Longford | Captain | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Lieutenant-Colonel | Staff | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Phibbs, Darnley | Lieutenant | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Pike, R. N. | Lieutenant | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Power (Bart), Sir John Elliott Cecil | Lieutenant | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Quarry, F. J. | Lieutenant | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Reynolds (Gent.), Hay | Surgeon Captain | Staff | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Ricketts MD CMG, Arthur | Surgeon-Captain | Staff | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Ridley, H. M. | Lieutenant-Colonel | Staff | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Roberts, I. D'E. | Lieutenant | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Robinson, Ernest Rokeby | Captain & Adjutant | Staff | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Robinson, William Pasley | Lieutenant | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Ross (Gent.), Daniel Joseph | Lieutenant | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Rutledge (Gent.), David K. | Lieutenant | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Shaw, R. A. | Lieutenant | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Silver, Arthur | Lieutenant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Smallwood (Gent.), Arthur | Lieutenant & Machine Gun Commander | Staff | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Spragge DSO, Basil Edward | Lieutenant-Colonel | Staff | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Stannus, Thomas Robert Alexander | Lieutenant | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Stokes, H. | Lieutenant | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Stuckey, A. E. A. | Lieutenant & Quartermaster | Staff | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Sullivan, Harry Thomas | Lieutenant | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Thomas, G. E. | Lieutenant & Quartermaster | Staff | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Tottenham, Arthur Gore Loftus | Lieutenant | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Tyrrell, Thomas R. G. | Lieutenant | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Villiers-Stuart, Henry Charles, Esq | Lieutenant | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Wadmore (Gent.), Alban H. T. | Lieutenant | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Walker, F. G. | Lieutenant & Quartermaster | Staff | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Ward, E.O. | Lieutenant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Weathrall (Gent.) MRCVS, Charles Hoffman George | Hon. Lieut. & Veterinary Officer | Staff | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wright, J. | Lieutenant & Quartermaster | Staff | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Yates, William Milwarde | Lieutenant | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |