T to Z
To learn more about any of the men listed below, either click on their name (where there is a link), or find their name in the record of their Company under the 'Roll Call' link.
T |
Taggart, John | 41083 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Talbot, John | 38560 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Tate, William | 35131 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Taylor, Arthur | 22595 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Taylor, James | 44335 | Shoeing Smith | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Taylor, James Archibald | 38585 | Corporal | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Taylor, John | 42211 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Taylor, John Wallace Moore | 37813 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Taylor, Joseph | 30616 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Taylor, Otto Carl | 15208 | Sergeant | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
40810 | Squadron Sergeant Major | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Taylor, Robert | 33377 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Taylor, Robert Stewart | 40762 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Taylor, Samuel | 35498 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Taylor, Thomas | 35482 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Taylor, William Herbert | 25203 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Teer, James | 44090 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
44090 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Teggerty, William | 34513 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Telford, Samuel | 38619 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Temple, Michael James | 38540 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Tennant, Harry Coote | 15209 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Theobald, Alexander | 35186 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Thomas, Bertram Dickey | 35512 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Thompson, Alexander | 30501 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Thompson, Andrew | 40377 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Thompson, Cecil W. | 15224 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Thompson, David | 42245 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Thompson, George | 38590 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Thompson, George | 38414 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Thompson, Henry | 9374 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Thompson, Henry | 11076 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Thompson, James Alexander | 37823 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Thompson, John | 11123 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Thompson, John | 39722 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Thompson, John | 23846 | Shoeing Smith | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Thompson, John | 35494 | Shoeing Smith | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Thompson, Phillip David | 34515 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Thompson, Thomas | 42238 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Thompson, William | 25617 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Thompson, William | 35495 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Thompson, William Orpin | 9619 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Thomson, R. | 11062 | Lance Corporal | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
11062 | Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
Thunder, Michael H. | 9649 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Tiernan, Thomas | 39690 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Tinckler, John Herbert | 15211 | Sergeant | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Tinsley, Robert | 9385 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
38618 | Sergeant | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Tobin, Joseph | 25170 | Shoeing Smith | Not posted to a company and did not serve overseas | .. | Second Contingent |
Todd, John A. | 35493 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Todd, T. | 10988 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Tomb, Walter C. | 42932 | Lance Corporal | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Tomkins, R. | 44608 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Toole, Henry | 9499 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Toole, John | 38584 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Torrens, David Alexander | 35147 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Tottenham, Arthur Gore Loftus | 25171 | Acting Colour Sergeant | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Townshend, Albert Charles | 25410 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Tracey, Herbert W. | 9712 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
9712 | Corporal | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
Trinder, Edward | 11004 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Trollope, Henry | 35172 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Tucker, Frederick | 14258 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Tucker, Thomas | 38596 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Turkington, Edwin Joseph | 39260 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Turner, Alick | 31967 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Turner, William | 9563 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Tyrell, James | 25196 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Tyrrell, Thomas R. G. | 11273 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
V |
Verner, William | 9487 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Vickery, Henry Wesley | 40133 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Vining, William | 33394 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
W |
Waddell, Charles John | 9460 | Lance Sergeant | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
9460 | Sergeant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent | |
Waddell, James | 41075 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wagg, Albert Richard | 9424 | Sergeant | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Waldron, George Christopher | 15213 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Walker, John Jackson | 44082 | SQMS | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Walker, Singleton | 40996 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Walker, Thomas | 9399 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Walker, William Henry | 43428 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wall, Garrett | 42207 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wall, John | 15212 | Corporal | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Wallace, Alfred Orr | 37835 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wallace, John | 40641 | Saddler Corporal | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wallace, John | 33383 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Wallace, Joseph F. | 33275 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Wallace, Thomas Porteous | 39243 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wallace, William | 32533 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
43738 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Wallis, Henry Samuel | 9611 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
43730 | Sergeant | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Walsh, Jasper | 15221 | Corporal | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Walshe, Francis | 38600 | Corporal | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Walshe, John F. | 38587 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Walter, Vincent Baxter | 11198 | Sergeant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Walton, William George | 44518 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wann, William | 11020 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Ward, Robert | 11120 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Waring, Holt | 9604 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Warnock, John | 9555 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Warnock, Stewart | 39709 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Warnock, Thomas Henry | 9532 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
9532 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent | |
Warren, William | 9517 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Waters, Edward William | 33214 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Waters, Francis | 33215 | Sergeant | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Watkins, Gordon | 40798 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Watson, Alexander | 34483 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Watson, George | 33549 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Watson, James | 37824 | Saddler | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Watson, Robert | 44512 | Lance Corporal | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Watson, Samuel | 35138 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Watson, William | 37812 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Watt, Edwin | 30461 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Watters, George Gibson H. | 11045 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Watters, Thomas | 11064 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Wauchope, James Alfred | 11306 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Weatherall, Samuel | 44556 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Webb, William | 38542 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Webster, Robert | 41071 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Weiner, Gabriel | 39734 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Weir, Robert | 33589 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Weir, Samuel Hanna | 9594 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Welbourne, Arthur | 44076 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Welch, Stephen Pike | 35539 | Corporal | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Weldon, Ralphe | 15214 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Wells, John Kilkenny | 44567 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wells, William D. | 43734 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Welply, John | 43996 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
West, Charles | 38569 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
West, Frederick Buick | 9431 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
West, George | 38568 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
West, Richard Annesley | 9697 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
West, Robert | 39694 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wetherall, Samuel | 31980 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Wetherice, J. | 264 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wharton, Henry | 33586 | Sergeant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
White, Francis | 11025 | Sergeant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
White, James | 34489 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
White, John Albert | 15224 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
White, Marks | 15216 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
White, Robert | 41088 | Lance Corporal | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
White, Robert | 32508 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
White, Samuel | 35171 | Lance Corporal | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
White, Thomas Jackson | 9550 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
White, William | 11122 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
White, William | 42246 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
White, William Charles | 40626 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Whitehead, John | 2069 | Orderly Room Sergeant | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
2069 | Corporal | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Whitelaw, William | 32554 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Whiteside, Alexander Forrester | 9439 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Whiteside, James | 40393 | Shoeing Smith | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Whiteside, John | 11028 | Sergeant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Whitsitt, William | 11294 | Corporal | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Whittaker, H. | 15216 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent. See Marks White 15216. |
Whittaker, Walter Thomas | 32559 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Whittington, John James | 42195 | Lance Corporal | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Whittle, John William | 9434 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Whyte, Hatton Alment | 15217 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Wightman, William James | 42220 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wilkinson, Arthur Odlum | 15218 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Wilkinson, George Robert | 23847 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Wilkinson, Hugh | 31982 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Wilkinson, John | 40602 | Shoeing Smith | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wilkinson, John James | 34520 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Wilkinson, Robert | 33269 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Wilkinson, William | 9574 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Williams, Anthony | 40779 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Williams, John | 41073 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Williams, Robert | 11181 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Williamson | 32049 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Williamson, John | 33588 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Williamson, Richard | 9436 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Wills, Algernon R. H. | 38594 | Private | 131st (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wilmot-Chetwode, Edward Erskine | 9705 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Wilson, Alexander G. | 9688 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Wilson, Alfred | 9622 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Wilson, Alfred | 38050 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wilson, Charles George | 32535 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Wilson, Hezlett Hamilton | 15219 | Sergeant | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Wilson, Henry Ronald | 30593 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Wilson, Hugh | 42253 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wilson, Jack | 40615 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wilson, James | 15220 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Wilson, James | 39258 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wilson, John | 42239 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wilson, John | 23858 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Wilson, John | 33402 | Sergeant | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Wilson, Joseph | 33259 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Wilson, Robert | 34514 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Wilson, Samuel | 38429 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wilson, Thomas Hastings | 28099 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Wilson, William R. | 24104 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Winder, Alfred Frederick | 14249 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Winyard, Harry | 9660 | Saddler | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Wolfe, Samuel Alfred | 44523 | Private | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wolsley, Robert | 31983 | Lance Corporal | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Woodhouse, Walter | 11091 | Bugler | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Woodruffe, F. | 1956 | Lance Corporal | 132nd (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Woods, Adam C. | 35175 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Woods, Hamilton | 9512 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
40976 | Corporal | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Woods, John | 9478 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Woods, Thomas | 11055 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Worrall, Harold | 10990 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Worrall, Thomas | 25192 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Wray, John | 30970 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Wrench, Guy T. | 14261 | Corporal, Medical Orderly | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Wrey, Joseph | 15192 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Wright, Archibald | 9654 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Wright, Archibald Robinson | 40375 | Private | Not posted to a company, no overseas service | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wright, Benjamin George | 44803 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wright, David Sandford | 9441 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Wright, Edward | 11187 | Quartermaster Sergeant | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Wright, George | 33587 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Wright, George | 38416 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wright, James Francis | 9681 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Wright, Reginald P. | 38607 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wright, William | 40382 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wylie, Alexander | 11104 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
44180 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Wylie, Frederick | 30618 | Private | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) (New) | 17th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Wylie, George | 41010 | Corporal | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wylie, James Mitchell Drummond | 25175 | Corporal | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Wylie, Richard | 42199 | Private | 175th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Wynne, Nicholas | 11279 | Private | 61st (South Irish Horse) Company (Dublin) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Y |
Yarnell, William John | 28096 | Private | 74th (Dublin) Company (New) | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Yarr, William | 9521 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
Young, Adam | 24915 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Young, Charles | 10979 | Corporal | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Young, Henry | 34503 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Young, John | 38622 | Private | 134th (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Young, Joseph | 9559 | Private | 54th (Belfast) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |
40635 | Private | 133rd (Irish Horse) Company (Ulster) | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent | |
Young, Oliver Gilbert | 43167 | Private | 176th (Irish Horse) Company | 29th Battalion | Third Contingent |
Young, Robert | 24924 | Private | 46th (Belfast) Company (New) | 12th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Young, Robert Osborne | 11086 | Sergeant | 60th (North Irish Horse) Company (Belfast) | 17th Battalion | First Contingent |
Young, T. A. | 15222 | Corporal | 74th (Dublin) Company | 16th Battalion | First Contingent |
Young, William | 35143 | Private | 99th (Irish) Company | 8th Battalion | Second Contingent |
Young, William Mathew O'Grady | 9695 | Private | 45th (Dublin) Company | 13th Battalion | First Contingent |